Source code for

import gym
import time
import torch
import warnings
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Number
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Optional, Callable

from tianshou.policy import BasePolicy
from tianshou.exploration import BaseNoise
from import _create_value
from tianshou.env import BaseVectorEnv, DummyVectorEnv
from import Batch, ReplayBuffer, ListReplayBuffer, to_numpy

[docs]class Collector(object): """Collector enables the policy to interact with different types of envs. :param policy: an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy` class. :param env: a ``gym.Env`` environment or an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.env.BaseVectorEnv` class. :param buffer: an instance of the :class:`` class. If set to ``None`` (testing phase), it will not store the data. :param function preprocess_fn: a function called before the data has been added to the buffer, see issue #42 and :ref:`preprocess_fn`, defaults to None. :param BaseNoise action_noise: add a noise to continuous action. Normally a policy already has a noise param for exploration in training phase, so this is recommended to use in test collector for some purpose. :param function reward_metric: to be used in multi-agent RL. The reward to report is of shape [agent_num], but we need to return a single scalar to monitor training. This function specifies what is the desired metric, e.g., the reward of agent 1 or the average reward over all agents. By default, the behavior is to select the reward of agent 1. The ``preprocess_fn`` is a function called before the data has been added to the buffer with batch format, which receives up to 7 keys as listed in :class:``. It will receive with only ``obs`` when the collector resets the environment. It returns either a dict or a :class:`` with the modified keys and values. Examples are in "test/base/". Here is the example: :: policy = PGPolicy(...) # or other policies if you wish env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(size=10000) # here we set up a collector with a single environment collector = Collector(policy, env, buffer=replay_buffer) # the collector supports vectorized environments as well envs = DummyVectorEnv([lambda: gym.make('CartPole-v0') for _ in range(3)]) collector = Collector(policy, envs, buffer=replay_buffer) # collect 3 episodes collector.collect(n_episode=3) # collect 1 episode for the first env, 3 for the third env collector.collect(n_episode=[1, 0, 3]) # collect at least 2 steps collector.collect(n_step=2) # collect episodes with visual rendering (the render argument is the # sleep time between rendering consecutive frames) collector.collect(n_episode=1, render=0.03) Collected data always consist of full episodes. So if only ``n_step`` argument is give, the collector may return the data more than the ``n_step`` limitation. Same as ``n_episode`` for the multiple environment case. .. note:: Please make sure the given environment has a time limitation. """ def __init__( self, policy: BasePolicy, env: Union[gym.Env, BaseVectorEnv], buffer: Optional[ReplayBuffer] = None, preprocess_fn: Optional[Callable[..., Batch]] = None, action_noise: Optional[BaseNoise] = None, reward_metric: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], float]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() if not isinstance(env, BaseVectorEnv): env = DummyVectorEnv([lambda: env]) self.env = env self.env_num = len(env) # environments that are available in step() # this means all environments in synchronous simulation # but only a subset of environments in asynchronous simulation self._ready_env_ids = np.arange(self.env_num) # self.async is a flag to indicate whether this collector works # with asynchronous simulation self.is_async = env.is_async # need cache buffers before storing in the main buffer self._cached_buf = [ListReplayBuffer() for _ in range(self.env_num)] self.buffer = buffer self.policy = policy self.preprocess_fn = preprocess_fn self.process_fn = policy.process_fn self._action_space = env.action_space self._action_noise = action_noise self._rew_metric = reward_metric or Collector._default_rew_metric # avoid creating attribute outside __init__ self.reset() @staticmethod def _default_rew_metric( x: Union[Number, np.number] ) -> Union[Number, np.number]: # this internal function is designed for single-agent RL # for multi-agent RL, a reward_metric must be provided assert np.asanyarray(x).size == 1, ( "Please specify the reward_metric " "since the reward is not a scalar." ) return x
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset all related variables in the collector.""" # use empty Batch for ``state`` so that ```` supports slicing # convert empty Batch to None when passing data to policy = Batch(state={}, obs={}, act={}, rew={}, done={}, info={}, obs_next={}, policy={}) self.reset_env() self.reset_buffer() self.reset_stat() if self._action_noise is not None: self._action_noise.reset()
[docs] def reset_stat(self) -> None: """Reset the statistic variables.""" self.collect_time, self.collect_step, self.collect_episode = 0.0, 0, 0
[docs] def reset_buffer(self) -> None: """Reset the main data buffer.""" if self.buffer is not None: self.buffer.reset()
[docs] def get_env_num(self) -> int: """Return the number of environments the collector have.""" return self.env_num
[docs] def reset_env(self) -> None: """Reset all of the environment(s)' states and the cache buffers.""" self._ready_env_ids = np.arange(self.env_num) obs = self.env.reset() if self.preprocess_fn: obs = self.preprocess_fn(obs=obs).get("obs", obs) = obs for b in self._cached_buf: b.reset()
def _reset_state(self, id: Union[int, List[int]]) -> None: """Reset the hidden state:[id].""" state = # it is a reference if isinstance(state, torch.Tensor): state[id].zero_() elif isinstance(state, np.ndarray): state[id] = None if state.dtype == np.object else 0 elif isinstance(state, Batch): state.empty_(id)
[docs] def collect( self, n_step: Optional[int] = None, n_episode: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, random: bool = False, render: Optional[float] = None, no_grad: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Collect a specified number of step or episode. :param int n_step: how many steps you want to collect. :param n_episode: how many episodes you want to collect. If it is an int, it means to collect at lease ``n_episode`` episodes; if it is a list, it means to collect exactly ``n_episode[i]`` episodes in the i-th environment :param bool random: whether to use random policy for collecting data, defaults to False. :param float render: the sleep time between rendering consecutive frames, defaults to None (no rendering). :param bool no_grad: whether to retain gradient in policy.forward, defaults to True (no gradient retaining). .. note:: One and only one collection number specification is permitted, either ``n_step`` or ``n_episode``. :return: A dict including the following keys * ``n/ep`` the collected number of episodes. * ``n/st`` the collected number of steps. * ``v/st`` the speed of steps per second. * ``v/ep`` the speed of episode per second. * ``rew`` the mean reward over collected episodes. * ``len`` the mean length over collected episodes. """ assert (n_step is not None and n_episode is None and n_step > 0) or ( n_step is None and n_episode is not None and np.sum(n_episode) > 0 ), "Only one of n_step or n_episode is allowed in Collector.collect, " f"got n_step = {n_step}, n_episode = {n_episode}." start_time = time.time() step_count = 0 # episode of each environment episode_count = np.zeros(self.env_num) # If n_episode is a list, and some envs have collected the required # number of episodes, these envs will be recorded in this list, and # they will not be stepped. finished_env_ids = [] reward_total = 0.0 whole_data = Batch() if isinstance(n_episode, list): assert len(n_episode) == self.get_env_num() finished_env_ids = [ i for i in self._ready_env_ids if n_episode[i] <= 0] self._ready_env_ids = np.array( [x for x in self._ready_env_ids if x not in finished_env_ids]) while True: if step_count >= 100000 and episode_count.sum() == 0: warnings.warn( "There are already many steps in an episode. " "You should add a time limitation to your environment!", Warning) is_async = self.is_async or len(finished_env_ids) > 0 if is_async: # are the data for all environments in async # simulation or some envs have finished, # **only a subset of data are disposed**, # so we store the whole data in ``whole_data``, let # to be the data available in ready environments, and finally # set these back into all the data whole_data = =[self._ready_env_ids] # restore the state and the input data last_state = if isinstance(last_state, Batch) and last_state.is_empty(): last_state = None, obs_next=Batch(), policy=Batch()) # calculate the next action if random: spaces = self._action_space result = Batch( act=[spaces[i].sample() for i in self._ready_env_ids]) else: if no_grad: with torch.no_grad(): # faster than retain_grad version result = self.policy(, last_state) else: result = self.policy(, last_state) state = result.get("state", Batch()) # convert None to Batch(), since None is reserved for 0-init if state is None: state = Batch(), policy=result.get("policy", Batch())) # save hidden state to policy._state, in order to save into buffer if not (isinstance(state, Batch) and state.is_empty()): = = to_numpy(result.act) if self._action_noise is not None: assert isinstance(, np.ndarray) += self._action_noise( # step in env if not is_async: obs_next, rew, done, info = self.env.step( else: # store computed actions, states, etc _batch_set_item( whole_data, self._ready_env_ids,, self.env_num) # fetch finished data obs_next, rew, done, info = self.env.step(, id=self._ready_env_ids) self._ready_env_ids = np.array([i["env_id"] for i in info]) # get the stepped data = whole_data[self._ready_env_ids] # move data to, rew=rew, done=done, info=info) if render: self.env.render() time.sleep(render) # add data into the buffer if self.preprocess_fn: result = self.preprocess_fn(** # type: ignore for j, i in enumerate(self._ready_env_ids): # j is the index in current ready_env_ids # i is the index in all environments if self.buffer is None: # users do not want to store data, so we store # small fake data here to make the code clean self._cached_buf[i].add(obs=0, act=0, rew=rew[j], done=0) else: self._cached_buf[i].add(**[j]) if done[j]: if not (isinstance(n_episode, list) and episode_count[i] >= n_episode[i]): episode_count[i] += 1 reward_total += np.sum(self._cached_buf[i].rew, axis=0) step_count += len(self._cached_buf[i]) if self.buffer is not None: self.buffer.update(self._cached_buf[i]) if isinstance(n_episode, list) and \ episode_count[i] >= n_episode[i]: # env i has collected enough data, it has finished finished_env_ids.append(i) self._cached_buf[i].reset() self._reset_state(j) obs_next = if sum(done): env_ind_local = np.where(done)[0] env_ind_global = self._ready_env_ids[env_ind_local] obs_reset = self.env.reset(env_ind_global) if self.preprocess_fn: obs_reset = self.preprocess_fn( obs=obs_reset).get("obs", obs_reset) obs_next[env_ind_local] = obs_reset = obs_next if is_async: # set data back whole_data = deepcopy(whole_data) # avoid reference in ListBuf _batch_set_item( whole_data, self._ready_env_ids,, self.env_num) # let be the data in all environments again = whole_data self._ready_env_ids = np.array( [x for x in self._ready_env_ids if x not in finished_env_ids]) if n_step: if step_count >= n_step: break else: if isinstance(n_episode, int) and \ episode_count.sum() >= n_episode: break if isinstance(n_episode, list) and \ (episode_count >= n_episode).all(): break # finished envs are ready, and can be used for the next collection self._ready_env_ids = np.array( self._ready_env_ids.tolist() + finished_env_ids) # generate the statistics episode_count = sum(episode_count) duration = max(time.time() - start_time, 1e-9) self.collect_step += step_count self.collect_episode += episode_count self.collect_time += duration # average reward across the number of episodes reward_avg = reward_total / episode_count if np.asanyarray(reward_avg).size > 1: # non-scalar reward_avg reward_avg = self._rew_metric(reward_avg) # type: ignore return { "n/ep": episode_count, "n/st": step_count, "v/st": step_count / duration, "v/ep": episode_count / duration, "rew": reward_avg, "len": step_count / episode_count, }
def _batch_set_item( source: Batch, indices: np.ndarray, target: Batch, size: int ) -> None: # for any key chain k, there are four cases # 1. source[k] is non-reserved, but target[k] does not exist or is reserved # 2. source[k] does not exist or is reserved, but target[k] is non-reserved # 3. both source[k] and target[k] are non-reserved # 4. both source[k] and target[k] do not exist or are reserved, do nothing. # A special case in case 4, if target[k] is reserved but source[k] does # not exist, make source[k] reserved, too. for k, vt in target.items(): if not isinstance(vt, Batch) or not vt.is_empty(): # target[k] is non-reserved vs = source.get(k, Batch()) if isinstance(vs, Batch): if vs.is_empty(): # case 2, use __dict__ to avoid many type checks source.__dict__[k] = _create_value(vt[0], size) else: assert isinstance(vt, Batch) _batch_set_item(source.__dict__[k], indices, vt, size) else: # target[k] is reserved # case 1 or special case of case 4 if k not in source.__dict__: source.__dict__[k] = Batch() continue source.__dict__[k][indices] = vt