Source code for

import torch
import pprint
import warnings
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union, Iterator, Optional

# Disable pickle warning related to torch, since it has been removed
# on torch master branch. See Pull Request #39003 for details:
    "ignore", message="pickle support for Storage will be removed in 1.5.")

def _is_batch_set(data: Any) -> bool:
    if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
        if len(data) > 0 and all(isinstance(e, (dict, Batch)) for e in data):
            return True
    elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.dtype == np.object:
        if all(isinstance(e, (dict, Batch)) for e in data.tolist()):
            return True
    return False

def _create_value(inst: Any, size: int, stack=True) -> Union[
        'Batch', np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
    :param bool stack: whether to stack or to concatenate. E.g. if inst has
        shape of (3, 5), size = 10, stack=True returns an np.ndarry with shape
        of (10, 3, 5), otherwise (10, 5)
    has_shape = isinstance(inst, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor))
    is_scalar = \
        isinstance(inst, Number) or \
        issubclass(inst.__class__, np.generic) or \
        (has_shape and not inst.shape)
    if not stack and is_scalar:
        # here we do not consider scalar types, following the
        # behavior of numpy which does not support concatenation
        # of zero-dimensional arrays (scalars)
        raise TypeError(f"cannot cat {inst} with which is scalar")
    if has_shape:
        shape = (size, *inst.shape) if stack else (size, *inst.shape[1:])
    if isinstance(inst, np.ndarray):
        if issubclass(inst.dtype.type, (np.bool_, np.number)):
            target_type = inst.dtype.type
            target_type = np.object
        return np.full(shape,
                       fill_value=None if target_type == np.object else 0,
    elif isinstance(inst, torch.Tensor):
        return torch.full(shape,
    elif isinstance(inst, (dict, Batch)):
        zero_batch = Batch()
        for key, val in inst.items():
            zero_batch.__dict__[key] = _create_value(val, size, stack=stack)
        return zero_batch
    elif is_scalar:
        return _create_value(np.asarray(inst), size, stack=stack)
    else:  # fall back to np.object
        return np.array([None for _ in range(size)])

def _assert_type_keys(keys):
    keys = list(keys)
    assert all(isinstance(e, str) for e in keys), \
        f"keys should all be string, but got {keys}"

[docs]class Batch: """Tianshou provides :class:`` as the internal data structure to pass any kind of data to other methods, for example, a collector gives a :class:`` to policy for learning. Here is the usage: :: >>> import numpy as np >>> from import Batch >>> data = Batch(a=4, b=[5, 5], c='2312312') >>> # the list will automatically be converted to numpy array >>> data.b array([5, 5]) >>> data.b = np.array([3, 4, 5]) >>> print(data) Batch( a: 4, b: array([3, 4, 5]), c: '2312312', ) In short, you can define a :class:`Batch` with any key-value pair. For Numpy arrays, only data types with ``np.object``, bool, and number are supported. For strings or other data types, however, they can be held in ``np.object`` arrays. The current implementation of Tianshou typically use 7 reserved keys in :class:``: * ``obs`` the observation of step :math:`t` ; * ``act`` the action of step :math:`t` ; * ``rew`` the reward of step :math:`t` ; * ``done`` the done flag of step :math:`t` ; * ``obs_next`` the observation of step :math:`t+1` ; * ``info`` the info of step :math:`t` (in ``gym.Env``, the ``env.step()``\ function returns 4 arguments, and the last one is ``info``); * ``policy`` the data computed by policy in step :math:`t`; :class:`` object can be initialized by a wide variety of arguments, ranging from the key/value pairs or dictionary, to list and Numpy arrays of :class:`dict` or Batch instances where each element is considered as an individual sample and get stacked together: :: >>> data = Batch([{'a': {'b': [0.0, "info"]}}]) >>> print(data[0]) Batch( a: Batch( b: array([0.0, 'info'], dtype=object), ), ) :class:`` has the same API as a native Python :class:`dict`. In this regard, one can access stored data using string key, or iterate over stored data: :: >>> data = Batch(a=4, b=[5, 5]) >>> print(data["a"]) 4 >>> for key, value in data.items(): >>> print(f"{key}: {value}") a: 4 b: [5, 5] :class:`` also partially reproduces the Numpy API for arrays. It also supports the advanced slicing method, such as batch[:, i], if the index is valid. You can access or iterate over the individual samples, if any: :: >>> data = Batch(a=np.array([[0.0, 2.0], [1.0, 3.0]]), b=[[5, -5]]) >>> print(data[0]) Batch( a: array([0., 2.]) b: array([ 5, -5]), ) >>> for sample in data: >>> print(sample.a) [0., 2.] >>> print(data.shape) [1, 2] >>> data[:, 1] += 1 >>> print(data) Batch( a: array([[0., 3.], [1., 4.]]), b: array([[ 5, -4]]), ) Similarly, one can also perform simple algebra on it, and stack, split or concatenate multiple instances: :: >>> data_1 = Batch(a=np.array([0.0, 2.0]), b=5) >>> data_2 = Batch(a=np.array([1.0, 3.0]), b=-5) >>> data = Batch.stack((data_1, data_2)) >>> print(data) Batch( b: array([ 5, -5]), a: array([[0., 2.], [1., 3.]]), ) >>> print(np.mean(data)) Batch( b: 0.0, a: array([0.5, 2.5]), ) >>> data_split = list(data.split(1, False)) >>> print(list(data.split(1, False))) [Batch( b: array([5]), a: array([[0., 2.]]), ), Batch( b: array([-5]), a: array([[1., 3.]]), )] >>> data_cat = >>> print(data_cat) Batch( b: array([ 5, -5]), a: array([[0., 2.], [1., 3.]]), ) Note that stacking of inconsistent data is also supported. In which case, ``None`` is added in list or :class:`np.ndarray` of objects, 0 otherwise. :: >>> data_1 = Batch(a=np.array([0.0, 2.0])) >>> data_2 = Batch(a=np.array([1.0, 3.0]), b='done') >>> data = Batch.stack((data_1, data_2)) >>> print(data) Batch( a: array([[0., 2.], [1., 3.]]), b: array([None, 'done'], dtype=object), ) Method ``empty_`` sets elements to 0 or ``None`` for ``np.object``. :: >>> data.empty_() >>> print(data) Batch( a: array([[0., 0.], [0., 0.]]), b: array([None, None], dtype=object), ) >>> data = Batch(a=[False, True], b={'c': [2., 'st'], 'd': [1., 0.]}) >>> data[0] = Batch.empty(data[1]) >>> data Batch( a: array([False, True]), b: Batch( c: array([None, 'st']), d: array([0., 0.]), ), ) :meth:`` and :meth:`` methods are also provided to respectively get the shape and the length of a :class:`Batch` instance. It mimics the Numpy API for Numpy arrays, which means that getting the length of a scalar Batch raises an exception. :: >>> data = Batch(a=[5., 4.], b=np.zeros((2, 3, 4))) >>> data.shape [2] >>> len(data) 2 >>> data[0].shape [] >>> len(data[0]) TypeError: Object of type 'Batch' has no len() Convenience helpers are available to convert in-place the stored data into Numpy arrays or Torch tensors. Finally, note that :class:`` is serializable and therefore Pickle compatible. This is especially important for distributed sampling. """ def __init__(self, batch_dict: Optional[Union[ dict, 'Batch', Tuple[Union[dict, 'Batch']], List[Union[dict, 'Batch']], np.ndarray]] = None, copy: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: if copy: batch_dict = deepcopy(batch_dict) if batch_dict is not None: if isinstance(batch_dict, (dict, Batch)): _assert_type_keys(batch_dict.keys()) for k, v in batch_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): v_ = None if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and \ all(isinstance(e, torch.Tensor) for e in v): self.__dict__[k] = torch.stack(v) continue else: v_ = np.asanyarray(v) if v_.dtype != np.object: v = v_ # normal data list, this is the main case if not issubclass(v.dtype.type, (np.bool_, np.number)): v = v.astype(np.object) else: if _is_batch_set(v): v = Batch(v) # list of dict / Batch else: # this is actually a data list with objects v = v_ self.__dict__[k] = v elif isinstance(v, dict): self.__dict__[k] = Batch(v) else: self.__dict__[k] = v elif _is_batch_set(batch_dict): self.stack_(batch_dict) if len(kwargs) > 0: self.__init__(kwargs, copy=copy) def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any): """self[key] = value""" if isinstance(value, list): if _is_batch_set(value): value = Batch(value) else: value = np.array(value) if not issubclass(value.dtype.type, (np.bool_, np.number)): value = value.astype(np.object) elif isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, np.ndarray) \ and value.dtype == np.object and _is_batch_set(value): value = Batch(value) self.__dict__[key] = value def __getstate__(self): """Pickling interface. Only the actual data are serialized for both efficiency and simplicity. """ state = {} for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, Batch): v = v.__getstate__() state[k] = v return state def __setstate__(self, state): """Unpickling interface. At this point, self is an empty Batch instance that has not been initialized, so it can safely be initialized by the pickle state. """ self.__init__(**state)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: Union[ str, slice, int, np.integer, np.ndarray, List[int]]) -> 'Batch': """Return self[index].""" if isinstance(index, str): return self.__dict__[index] batch_items = self.items() if len(batch_items) > 0: b = Batch() for k, v in batch_items: if isinstance(v, Batch) and len(v.__dict__) == 0: b.__dict__[k] = Batch() else: b.__dict__[k] = v[index] return b else: raise IndexError("Cannot access item from empty Batch object.")
def __setitem__(self, index: Union[ str, slice, int, np.integer, np.ndarray, List[int]], value: Any) -> None: """Assign value to self[index].""" if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if not issubclass(value.dtype.type, (np.bool_, np.number)): value = value.astype(np.object) if isinstance(index, str): self.__dict__[index] = value return if not isinstance(value, (dict, Batch)): raise TypeError("Batch does not supported value type " f"{type(value)} for item assignment.") if not set(value.keys()).issubset(self.__dict__.keys()): raise KeyError( "Creating keys is not supported by item assignment.") for key, val in self.items(): try: self.__dict__[key][index] = value[key] except KeyError: if isinstance(val, Batch): self.__dict__[key][index] = Batch() elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and \ issubclass(val.dtype.type, (np.bool_, np.number)): self.__dict__[key][index] = 0 else: self.__dict__[key][index] = None def __iadd__(self, other: Union['Batch', Number, np.number]): """Algebraic addition with another :class:`` instance in-place.""" if isinstance(other, Batch): for (k, r), v in zip(self.__dict__.items(), other.__dict__.values()): # TODO are keys consistent? if r is None: continue else: self.__dict__[k] += v return self elif isinstance(other, (Number, np.number)): for k, r in self.items(): if r is None: continue else: self.__dict__[k] += other return self else: raise TypeError("Only addition of Batch or number is supported.") def __add__(self, other: Union['Batch', Number, np.number]): """Algebraic addition with another :class:`` instance out-of-place.""" return deepcopy(self).__iadd__(other) def __imul__(self, val: Union[Number, np.number]): """Algebraic multiplication with a scalar value in-place.""" assert isinstance(val, (Number, np.number)), \ "Only multiplication by a number is supported." for k in self.__dict__.keys(): self.__dict__[k] *= val return self def __mul__(self, val: Union[Number, np.number]): """Algebraic multiplication with a scalar value out-of-place.""" return deepcopy(self).__imul__(val) def __itruediv__(self, val: Union[Number, np.number]): """Algebraic division with a scalar value in-place.""" assert isinstance(val, (Number, np.number)), \ "Only division by a number is supported." for k in self.__dict__.keys(): self.__dict__[k] /= val return self def __truediv__(self, val: Union[Number, np.number]): """Algebraic division with a scalar value out-of-place.""" return deepcopy(self).__itruediv__(val) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return str(self).""" s = self.__class__.__name__ + '(\n' flag = False for k, v in self.items(): rpl = '\n' + ' ' * (6 + len(k)) obj = pprint.pformat(v).replace('\n', rpl) s += f' {k}: {obj},\n' flag = True if flag: s += ')' else: s = self.__class__.__name__ + '()' return s
[docs] def keys(self) -> List[str]: """Return self.keys().""" return self.__dict__.keys()
[docs] def values(self) -> List[Any]: """Return self.values().""" return self.__dict__.values()
[docs] def items(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]: """Return self.items().""" return self.__dict__.items()
[docs] def get(self, k: str, d: Optional[Any] = None) -> Union['Batch', Any]: """Return self[k] if k in self else d. d defaults to None.""" return self.__dict__.get(k, d)
[docs] def to_numpy(self) -> None: """Change all torch.Tensor to numpy.ndarray. This is an in-place operation. """ for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): self.__dict__[k] = v.detach().cpu().numpy() elif isinstance(v, Batch): v.to_numpy()
[docs] def to_torch(self, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Union[str, int, torch.device] = 'cpu') -> None: """Change all numpy.ndarray to torch.Tensor. This is an in-place operation. """ if not isinstance(device, torch.device): device = torch.device(device) for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, (np.number, np.bool_, Number, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(v, (np.number, np.bool_, Number)): v = np.asanyarray(v) v = torch.from_numpy(v).to(device) if dtype is not None: v = v.type(dtype) self.__dict__[k] = v elif isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): if dtype is not None and v.dtype != dtype or \ v.device.type != device.type or \ device.index is not None and \ device.index != v.device.index: if dtype is not None: v = v.type(dtype) self.__dict__[k] = elif isinstance(v, Batch): v.to_torch(dtype, device)
[docs] def cat_(self, batches: Union['Batch', List[Union[dict, 'Batch']]]) -> None: """Concatenate a list of (or one) :class:`` objects into current batch. """ if isinstance(batches, Batch): batches = [batches] if len(batches) == 0: return batches = [x if isinstance(x, Batch) else Batch(x) for x in batches] if len(self.__dict__) > 0: batches = [self] + list(batches) # partial keys will be padded by zeros # with the shape of [len, rest_shape] lens = [len(x) for x in batches] sum_lens = [0] for x in lens: sum_lens.append(sum_lens[-1] + x) keys_map = list(map(lambda e: set(e.keys()), batches)) keys_shared = set.intersection(*keys_map) values_shared = [[e[k] for e in batches] for k in keys_shared] _assert_type_keys(keys_shared) for k, v in zip(keys_shared, values_shared): if all(isinstance(e, (dict, Batch)) for e in v): self.__dict__[k] = elif all(isinstance(e, torch.Tensor) for e in v): self.__dict__[k] = else: v = np.concatenate(v) if not issubclass(v.dtype.type, (np.bool_, np.number)): v = v.astype(np.object) self.__dict__[k] = v keys_partial = set.union(*keys_map) - keys_shared _assert_type_keys(keys_partial) for k in keys_partial: for i, e in enumerate(batches): val = e.get(k, None) if val is not None: try: self.__dict__[k][sum_lens[i]:sum_lens[i + 1]] = val except KeyError: self.__dict__[k] = \ _create_value(val, sum_lens[-1], stack=False) self.__dict__[k][sum_lens[i]:sum_lens[i + 1]] = val
[docs] @staticmethod def cat(batches: List[Union[dict, 'Batch']]) -> 'Batch': """Concatenate a list of :class:`` object into a single new batch. For keys that are not shared across all batches, batches that do not have these keys will be padded by zeros with appropriate shapes. E.g. :: >>> a = Batch(a=np.zeros([3, 4]), common=Batch(c=np.zeros([3, 5]))) >>> b = Batch(b=np.zeros([4, 3]), common=Batch(c=np.zeros([4, 5]))) >>> c =[a, b]) >>> c.a.shape (7, 4) >>> c.b.shape (7, 3) >>> c.common.c.shape (7, 5) """ batch = Batch() batch.cat_(batches) return batch
[docs] def stack_(self, batches: List[Union[dict, 'Batch']], axis: int = 0) -> None: """Stack a list of :class:`` object into current batch. """ if len(batches) == 0: return batches = [x if isinstance(x, Batch) else Batch(x) for x in batches] if len(self.__dict__) > 0: batches = [self] + list(batches) keys_map = list(map(lambda e: set(e.keys()), batches)) keys_shared = set.intersection(*keys_map) values_shared = [[e[k] for e in batches] for k in keys_shared] _assert_type_keys(keys_shared) for k, v in zip(keys_shared, values_shared): if all(isinstance(e, (dict, Batch)) for e in v): self.__dict__[k] = Batch.stack(v, axis) elif all(isinstance(e, torch.Tensor) for e in v): self.__dict__[k] = torch.stack(v, axis) else: v = np.stack(v, axis) if not issubclass(v.dtype.type, (np.bool_, np.number)): v = v.astype(np.object) self.__dict__[k] = v keys_partial = set.difference(set.union(*keys_map), keys_shared) if keys_partial and axis != 0: raise ValueError( f"Stack of Batch with non-shared keys {keys_partial} " f"is only supported with axis=0, but got axis={axis}!") _assert_type_keys(keys_partial) for k in keys_partial: for i, e in enumerate(batches): val = e.get(k, None) if val is not None: try: self.__dict__[k][i] = val except KeyError: self.__dict__[k] = \ _create_value(val, len(batches)) self.__dict__[k][i] = val
[docs] @staticmethod def stack(batches: List[Union[dict, 'Batch']], axis: int = 0) -> 'Batch': """Stack a list of :class:`` object into a single new batch. For keys that are not shared across all batches, batches that do not have these keys will be padded by zeros. E.g. :: >>> a = Batch(a=np.zeros([4, 4]), common=Batch(c=np.zeros([4, 5]))) >>> b = Batch(b=np.zeros([4, 6]), common=Batch(c=np.zeros([4, 5]))) >>> c = Batch.stack([a, b]) >>> c.a.shape (2, 4, 4) >>> c.b.shape (2, 4, 6) >>> c.common.c.shape (2, 4, 5) .. note:: If there are keys that are not shared across all batches, ``stack`` with ``axis != 0`` is undefined, and will cause an exception. """ batch = Batch() batch.stack_(batches, axis) return batch
[docs] def empty_(self, index: Union[ str, slice, int, np.integer, np.ndarray, List[int]] = None ) -> 'Batch': """Return an empty a :class:`` object with 0 or ``None`` filled. If ``index`` is specified, it will only reset the specific indexed-data. """ for k, v in self.items(): if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, Batch): self.__dict__[k].empty_(index=index) elif isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): self.__dict__[k][index] = 0 elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): if v.dtype == np.object: self.__dict__[k][index] = None else: self.__dict__[k][index] = 0 else: # scalar value warnings.warn('You are calling Batch.empty on a NumPy scalar, ' 'which may cause undefined behaviors.') if isinstance(v, (np.number, np.bool_, Number)): self.__dict__[k] = v.__class__(0) else: self.__dict__[k] = None return self
[docs] @staticmethod def empty(batch: 'Batch', index: Union[ str, slice, int, np.integer, np.ndarray, List[int]] = None ) -> 'Batch': """Return an empty :class:`` object with 0 or ``None`` filled, the shape is the same as the given :class:``. """ return deepcopy(batch).empty_(index)
[docs] def update(self, batch: Optional[Union[dict, 'Batch']] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Update this batch from another dict/Batch.""" if batch is None: self.update(kwargs) return if isinstance(batch, dict): batch = Batch(batch) for k, v in batch.items(): self.__dict__[k] = v if kwargs: self.update(kwargs)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return len(self).""" r = [] for v in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(v, Batch) and v.is_empty(): continue elif hasattr(v, '__len__') and (not isinstance( v, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)) or v.ndim > 0): r.append(len(v)) else: raise TypeError("Object of type 'Batch' has no len()") if len(r) == 0: raise TypeError("Object of type 'Batch' has no len()") return min(r)
[docs] def is_empty(self): return not any( not x.is_empty() if isinstance(x, Batch) else hasattr(x, '__len__') and len(x) > 0 for x in self.values())
@property def shape(self) -> List[int]: """Return self.shape.""" if len(self.__dict__.keys()) == 0: return [] else: data_shape = [] for v in self.__dict__.values(): try: data_shape.append(v.shape) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("No support for 'shape' method with " f"type {type(v)} in class Batch.") return list(map(min, zip(*data_shape))) if len(data_shape) > 1 \ else data_shape[0]
[docs] def split(self, size: Optional[int] = None, shuffle: bool = True) -> Iterator['Batch']: """Split whole data into multiple small batches. :param int size: if it is ``None``, it does not split the data batch; otherwise it will divide the data batch with the given size. Default to ``None``. :param bool shuffle: randomly shuffle the entire data batch if it is ``True``, otherwise remain in the same. Default to ``True``. """ length = len(self) if size is None: size = length if shuffle: indices = np.random.permutation(length) else: indices = np.arange(length) for idx in np.arange(0, length, size): yield self[indices[idx:(idx + size)]]