Source code for

import time
import torch
import warnings
import numpy as np
from tianshou.env import BaseVectorEnv
from import Batch, ReplayBuffer, \
from tianshou.utils import MovAvg

[docs]class Collector(object): """The :class:`` enables the policy to interact with different types of environments conveniently. :param policy: an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy` class. :param env: an environment or an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.env.BaseVectorEnv` class. :param buffer: an instance of the :class:`` class, or a list of :class:``. If set to ``None``, it will automatically assign a small-size :class:``. :param int stat_size: for the moving average of recording speed, defaults to 100. :param bool store_obs_next: whether to store the obs_next to replay buffer, defaults to ``True``. Example: :: policy = PGPolicy(...) # or other policies if you wish env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(size=10000) # here we set up a collector with a single environment collector = Collector(policy, env, buffer=replay_buffer) # the collector supports vectorized environments as well envs = VectorEnv([lambda: gym.make('CartPole-v0') for _ in range(3)]) buffers = [ReplayBuffer(size=5000) for _ in range(3)] # you can also pass a list of replay buffer to collector, for multi-env # collector = Collector(policy, envs, buffer=buffers) collector = Collector(policy, envs, buffer=replay_buffer) # collect at least 3 episodes collector.collect(n_episode=3) # collect 1 episode for the first env, 3 for the third env collector.collect(n_episode=[1, 0, 3]) # collect at least 2 steps collector.collect(n_step=2) # collect episodes with visual rendering (the render argument is the # sleep time between rendering consecutive frames) collector.collect(n_episode=1, render=0.03) # sample data with a given number of batch-size: batch_data = collector.sample(batch_size=64) # policy.learn(batch_data) # btw, vanilla policy gradient only # supports on-policy training, so here we pick all data in the buffer batch_data = collector.sample(batch_size=0) policy.learn(batch_data) # on-policy algorithms use the collected data only once, so here we # clear the buffer collector.reset_buffer() For the scenario of collecting data from multiple environments to a single buffer, the cache buffers will turn on automatically. It may return the data more than the given limitation. .. note:: Please make sure the given environment has a time limitation. """ def __init__(self, policy, env, buffer=None, stat_size=100, store_obs_next=True, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.env = env self.env_num = 1 self.collect_step = 0 self.collect_episode = 0 self.collect_time = 0 if buffer is None: self.buffer = ReplayBuffer(100) else: self.buffer = buffer self.policy = policy self.process_fn = policy.process_fn self._multi_env = isinstance(env, BaseVectorEnv) self._multi_buf = False # True if buf is a list # need multiple cache buffers only if storing in one buffer self._cached_buf = [] if self._multi_env: self.env_num = len(env) if isinstance(self.buffer, list): assert len(self.buffer) == self.env_num, \ 'The number of data buffer does not match the number of ' \ 'input env.' self._multi_buf = True elif isinstance(self.buffer, ReplayBuffer): self._cached_buf = [ ListReplayBuffer() for _ in range(self.env_num)] else: raise TypeError('The buffer in data collector is invalid!') self.reset_env() self.reset_buffer() # state over batch is either a list, an np.ndarray, or a torch.Tensor self.state = None self.step_speed = MovAvg(stat_size) self.episode_speed = MovAvg(stat_size) self._save_s_ = store_obs_next
[docs] def reset_buffer(self): """Reset the main data buffer.""" if self._multi_buf: for b in self.buffer: b.reset() else: self.buffer.reset()
[docs] def get_env_num(self): """Return the number of environments the collector has.""" return self.env_num
[docs] def reset_env(self): """Reset all of the environment(s)' states and reset all of the cache buffers (if need). """ self._obs = self.env.reset() self._act = self._rew = self._done = self._info = None if self._multi_env: self.reward = np.zeros(self.env_num) self.length = np.zeros(self.env_num) else: self.reward, self.length = 0, 0 for b in self._cached_buf: b.reset()
[docs] def seed(self, seed=None): """Reset all the seed(s) of the given environment(s).""" if hasattr(self.env, 'seed'): return self.env.seed(seed)
[docs] def render(self, **kwargs): """Render all the environment(s).""" if hasattr(self.env, 'render'): return self.env.render(**kwargs)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the environment(s).""" if hasattr(self.env, 'close'): self.env.close()
def _make_batch(self, data): if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): return data[None] else: return np.array([data])
[docs] def collect(self, n_step=0, n_episode=0, render=0): """Collect a specified number of step or episode. :param int n_step: how many steps you want to collect. :param n_episode: how many episodes you want to collect (in each environment). :type n_episode: int or list :param float render: the sleep time between rendering consecutive frames. No rendering if it is ``0`` (default option). .. note:: One and only one collection number specification is permitted, either ``n_step`` or ``n_episode``. :return: A dict including the following keys * ``n/ep`` the collected number of episodes. * ``n/st`` the collected number of steps. * ``v/st`` the speed of steps per second. * ``v/ep`` the speed of episode per second. * ``rew`` the mean reward over collected episodes. * ``len`` the mean length over collected episodes. """ warning_count = 0 if not self._multi_env: n_episode = np.sum(n_episode) start_time = time.time() assert sum([(n_step != 0), (n_episode != 0)]) == 1, \ "One and only one collection number specification is permitted!" cur_step = 0 cur_episode = np.zeros(self.env_num) if self._multi_env else 0 reward_sum = 0 length_sum = 0 while True: if warning_count >= 100000: warnings.warn( 'There are already many steps in an episode. ' 'You should add a time limitation to your environment!', Warning) if self._multi_env: batch_data = Batch( obs=self._obs, act=self._act, rew=self._rew, done=self._done, obs_next=None, info=self._info) else: batch_data = Batch( obs=self._make_batch(self._obs), act=self._make_batch(self._act), rew=self._make_batch(self._rew), done=self._make_batch(self._done), obs_next=None, info=self._make_batch(self._info)) with torch.no_grad(): result = self.policy(batch_data, self.state) self.state = result.state if hasattr(result, 'state') else None if isinstance(result.act, torch.Tensor): self._act = result.act.detach().cpu().numpy() elif not isinstance(self._act, np.ndarray): self._act = np.array(result.act) else: self._act = result.act obs_next, self._rew, self._done, self._info = self.env.step( self._act if self._multi_env else self._act[0]) if render > 0: self.env.render() time.sleep(render) self.length += 1 self.reward += self._rew if self._multi_env: for i in range(self.env_num): data = { 'obs': self._obs[i], 'act': self._act[i], 'rew': self._rew[i], 'done': self._done[i], 'obs_next': obs_next[i] if self._save_s_ else None, 'info': self._info[i]} if self._cached_buf: warning_count += 1 self._cached_buf[i].add(**data) elif self._multi_buf: warning_count += 1 self.buffer[i].add(**data) cur_step += 1 else: warning_count += 1 self.buffer.add(**data) cur_step += 1 if self._done[i]: if n_step != 0 or np.isscalar(n_episode) or \ cur_episode[i] < n_episode[i]: cur_episode[i] += 1 reward_sum += self.reward[i] length_sum += self.length[i] if self._cached_buf: cur_step += len(self._cached_buf[i]) self.buffer.update(self._cached_buf[i]) self.reward[i], self.length[i] = 0, 0 if self._cached_buf: self._cached_buf[i].reset() if isinstance(self.state, list): self.state[i] = None elif self.state is not None: if isinstance(self.state[i], dict): self.state[i] = {} else: self.state[i] = self.state[i] * 0 if isinstance(self.state, torch.Tensor): # remove ref count in pytorch (?) self.state = self.state.detach() if sum(self._done): obs_next = self.env.reset(np.where(self._done)[0]) if n_episode != 0: if isinstance(n_episode, list) and \ (cur_episode >= np.array(n_episode)).all() or \ np.isscalar(n_episode) and \ cur_episode.sum() >= n_episode: break else: self.buffer.add( self._obs, self._act[0], self._rew, self._done, obs_next if self._save_s_ else None, self._info) cur_step += 1 if self._done: cur_episode += 1 reward_sum += self.reward length_sum += self.length self.reward, self.length = 0, 0 self.state = None obs_next = self.env.reset() if n_episode != 0 and cur_episode >= n_episode: break if n_step != 0 and cur_step >= n_step: break self._obs = obs_next self._obs = obs_next if self._multi_env: cur_episode = sum(cur_episode) duration = time.time() - start_time self.step_speed.add(cur_step / duration) self.episode_speed.add(cur_episode / duration) self.collect_step += cur_step self.collect_episode += cur_episode self.collect_time += duration if isinstance(n_episode, list): n_episode = np.sum(n_episode) else: n_episode = max(cur_episode, 1) return { 'n/ep': cur_episode, 'n/st': cur_step, 'v/st': self.step_speed.get(), 'v/ep': self.episode_speed.get(), 'rew': reward_sum / n_episode, 'len': length_sum / n_episode, }
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size): """Sample a data batch from the internal replay buffer. It will call :meth:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy.process_fn` before returning the final batch data. :param int batch_size: ``0`` means it will extract all the data from the buffer, otherwise it will extract the data with the given batch_size. """ if self._multi_buf: if batch_size > 0: lens = [len(b) for b in self.buffer] total = sum(lens) batch_index = np.random.choice( total, batch_size, p=np.array(lens) / total) else: batch_index = np.array([]) batch_data = Batch() for i, b in enumerate(self.buffer): cur_batch = (batch_index == i).sum() if batch_size and cur_batch or batch_size <= 0: batch, indice = b.sample(cur_batch) batch = self.process_fn(batch, b, indice) batch_data.append(batch) else: batch_data, indice = self.buffer.sample(batch_size) batch_data = self.process_fn(batch_data, self.buffer, indice) return batch_data