Source code for

import numpy as np
from import Batch

[docs]class ReplayBuffer(object): """:class:`` stores data generated from interaction between the policy and environment. It stores basically 6 types of data, as mentioned in :class:``, based on ``numpy.ndarray``. Here is the usage: :: >>> from import ReplayBuffer >>> buf = ReplayBuffer(size=20) >>> for i in range(3): ... buf.add(obs=i, act=i, rew=i, done=i, obs_next=i + 1, info={}) >>> len(buf) 3 >>> buf.obs # since we set size = 20, len(buf.obs) == 20. array([0., 1., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> buf2 = ReplayBuffer(size=10) >>> for i in range(15): ... buf2.add(obs=i, act=i, rew=i, done=i, obs_next=i + 1, info={}) >>> len(buf2) 10 >>> buf2.obs # since its size = 10, it only stores the last 10 steps' result. array([10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) >>> # move buf2's result into buf (meanwhile keep it chronologically) >>> buf.update(buf2) array([ 0., 1., 2., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> # get a random sample from buffer >>> # the batch_data is equal to buf[incide]. >>> batch_data, indice = buf.sample(batch_size=4) >>> batch_data.obs == buf[indice].obs array([ True, True, True, True]) """ def __init__(self, size): super().__init__() self._maxsize = size self.reset()
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return len(self).""" return self._size
def _add_to_buffer(self, name, inst): if inst is None: return if self.__dict__.get(name, None) is None: if isinstance(inst, np.ndarray): self.__dict__[name] = np.zeros([self._maxsize, *inst.shape]) elif isinstance(inst, dict): self.__dict__[name] = np.array( [{} for _ in range(self._maxsize)]) else: # assume `inst` is a number self.__dict__[name] = np.zeros([self._maxsize]) if isinstance(inst, np.ndarray) and \ self.__dict__[name].shape[1:] != inst.shape: self.__dict__[name] = np.zeros([self._maxsize, *inst.shape]) self.__dict__[name][self._index] = inst
[docs] def update(self, buffer): """Move the data from the given buffer to self.""" i = begin = buffer._index % len(buffer) while True: self.add( buffer.obs[i], buffer.act[i], buffer.rew[i], buffer.done[i], buffer.obs_next[i],[i]) i = (i + 1) % len(buffer) if i == begin: break
[docs] def add(self, obs, act, rew, done, obs_next=0, info={}, weight=None): """Add a batch of data into replay buffer.""" assert isinstance(info, dict), \ 'You should return a dict in the last argument of env.step().' self._add_to_buffer('obs', obs) self._add_to_buffer('act', act) self._add_to_buffer('rew', rew) self._add_to_buffer('done', done) self._add_to_buffer('obs_next', obs_next) self._add_to_buffer('info', info) if self._maxsize > 0: self._size = min(self._size + 1, self._maxsize) self._index = (self._index + 1) % self._maxsize else: self._size = self._index = self._index + 1
[docs] def reset(self): """Clear all the data in replay buffer.""" self._index = self._size = 0 self.indice = []
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size): """Get a random sample from buffer with size equal to batch_size. \ Return all the data in the buffer if batch_size is ``0``. :return: Sample data and its corresponding index inside the buffer. """ if batch_size > 0: indice = np.random.choice(self._size, batch_size) else: indice = np.concatenate([ np.arange(self._index, self._size), np.arange(0, self._index), ]) return self[indice], indice
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """Return a data batch: self[index].""" return Batch( obs=self.obs[index], act=self.act[index], rew=self.rew[index], done=self.done[index], obs_next=self.obs_next[index],[index] )
[docs]class ListReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer): """The function of :class:`` is almost the same as :class:``. The only difference is that :class:`` is based on ``list``. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(size=0) def _add_to_buffer(self, name, inst): if inst is None: return if self.__dict__.get(name, None) is None: self.__dict__[name] = [] self.__dict__[name].append(inst)
[docs] def reset(self): self._index = self._size = 0 for k in list(self.__dict__.keys()): if not k.startswith('_'): self.__dict__[k] = []
[docs]class PrioritizedReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer): """docstring for PrioritizedReplayBuffer""" def __init__(self, size): super().__init__(size)
[docs] def add(self, obs, act, rew, done, obs_next=0, info={}, weight=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self): raise NotImplementedError