Source code for tianshou.highlevel.experiment

import os
import pickle
from abc import abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Self

import numpy as np
import torch

from import Collector, InfoStats
from tianshou.env import BaseVectorEnv
from tianshou.highlevel.agent import (
from tianshou.highlevel.config import SamplingConfig
from tianshou.highlevel.env import EnvFactory
from tianshou.highlevel.logger import LoggerFactory, LoggerFactoryDefault, TLogger
from import (
from tianshou.highlevel.module.core import (
from tianshou.highlevel.module.critic import (
from tianshou.highlevel.module.intermediate import IntermediateModuleFactory
from tianshou.highlevel.module.special import ImplicitQuantileNetworkFactory
from tianshou.highlevel.optim import OptimizerFactory, OptimizerFactoryAdam
from tianshou.highlevel.params.policy_params import (
from tianshou.highlevel.params.policy_wrapper import PolicyWrapperFactory
from tianshou.highlevel.persistence import (
from tianshou.highlevel.trainer import (
from import World
from tianshou.policy import BasePolicy
from tianshou.utils import LazyLogger, logging
from tianshou.utils.logging import datetime_tag
from import ModuleType
from tianshou.utils.string import ToStringMixin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class ExperimentConfig: """Generic config for setting up the experiment, not RL or training specific.""" seed: int = 42 """The random seed with which to initialize random number generators.""" device: TDevice = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" """The torch device to use""" policy_restore_directory: str | None = None """Directory from which to load the policy neural network parameters (persistence directory of a previous run)""" train: bool = True """Whether to perform training""" watch: bool = True """Whether to watch agent performance (after training)""" watch_num_episodes: int = 10 """Number of episodes for which to watch performance (if `watch` is enabled)""" watch_render: float = 0.0 """Milliseconds between rendered frames when watching agent performance (if `watch` is enabled)""" persistence_base_dir: str = "log" """Base directory in which experiment data is to be stored. Every experiment run will create a subdirectory in this directory based on the run's experiment name""" persistence_enabled: bool = True """Whether persistence is enabled, allowing files to be stored""" log_file_enabled: bool = True """Whether to write to a log file; has no effect if `persistence_enabled` is False. Disable this if you have externally configured log file generation.""" policy_persistence_mode: PolicyPersistence.Mode = PolicyPersistence.Mode.POLICY """Controls the way in which the policy is persisted"""
[docs] @dataclass class ExperimentResult: """Contains the results of an experiment.""" world: World """contains all the essential instances of the experiment""" trainer_result: InfoStats | None """dataclass of results as returned by the trainer (if any)"""
[docs] class Experiment(ToStringMixin): """Represents a reinforcement learning experiment. An experiment is composed only of configuration and factory objects, which themselves should be designed to contain only configuration. Therefore, experiments can easily be stored/pickled and later restored without any problems. """ LOG_FILENAME = "log.txt" EXPERIMENT_PICKLE_FILENAME = "experiment.pkl" def __init__( self, config: ExperimentConfig, env_factory: EnvFactory, agent_factory: AgentFactory, sampling_config: SamplingConfig, logger_factory: LoggerFactory | None = None, ): if logger_factory is None: logger_factory = LoggerFactoryDefault() self.config = config self.sampling_config = sampling_config self.env_factory = env_factory self.agent_factory = agent_factory self.logger_factory = logger_factory
[docs] @classmethod def from_directory(cls, directory: str, restore_policy: bool = True) -> "Experiment": """Restores an experiment from a previously stored pickle. :param directory: persistence directory of a previous run, in which a pickled experiment is found :param restore_policy: whether the experiment shall be configured to restore the policy that was persisted in the given directory """ with open(os.path.join(directory, cls.EXPERIMENT_PICKLE_FILENAME), "rb") as f: experiment: Experiment = pickle.load(f) if restore_policy: experiment.config.policy_restore_directory = directory return experiment
def _set_seed(self) -> None: seed = self.config.seed"Setting random seed {seed}") np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) def _build_config_dict(self) -> dict: return {"experiment": self.pprints()}
[docs] def save(self, directory: str) -> None: path = os.path.join(directory, self.EXPERIMENT_PICKLE_FILENAME) f"Saving serialized experiment in {path}; can be restored via Experiment.from_directory('{directory}')", ) with open(path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] def run( self, experiment_name: str | None = None, logger_run_id: str | None = None, ) -> ExperimentResult: """Run the experiment and return the results. :param experiment_name: the experiment name, which corresponds to the directory (within the logging directory) where all results associated with the experiment will be saved. The name may contain path separators (i.e. `os.path.sep`, as used by `os.path.join`), in which case a nested directory structure will be created. If None, use a name containing the current date and time. :param logger_run_id: Run identifier to use for logger initialization/resumption (applies when using wandb, in particular). :return: """ if experiment_name is None: experiment_name = datetime_tag() # initialize persistence directory use_persistence = self.config.persistence_enabled persistence_dir = os.path.join(self.config.persistence_base_dir, experiment_name) if use_persistence: os.makedirs(persistence_dir, exist_ok=True) with logging.FileLoggerContext( os.path.join(persistence_dir, self.LOG_FILENAME), enabled=use_persistence and self.config.log_file_enabled, ): # log initial information"Running experiment (name='{experiment_name}'):\n{self.pprints()}")"Working directory: {os.getcwd()}") self._set_seed() # create environments envs = self.env_factory.create_envs( self.sampling_config.num_train_envs, self.sampling_config.num_test_envs,, )"Created {envs}") # initialize persistence additional_persistence = PersistenceGroup(*envs.persistence, enabled=use_persistence) policy_persistence = PolicyPersistence( additional_persistence, enabled=use_persistence, mode=self.config.policy_persistence_mode, ) if use_persistence:"Persistence directory: {os.path.abspath(persistence_dir)}") # initialize logger full_config = self._build_config_dict() full_config.update( logger: TLogger if use_persistence: logger = self.logger_factory.create_logger( log_dir=persistence_dir, experiment_name=experiment_name, run_id=logger_run_id, config_dict=full_config, ) else: logger = LazyLogger() # create policy and collectors"Creating policy") policy = self.agent_factory.create_policy(envs, self.config.device)"Creating collectors") train_collector, test_collector = self.agent_factory.create_train_test_collector( policy, envs, ) # create context object with all relevant instances (except trainer; added later) world = World( envs=envs, policy=policy, train_collector=train_collector, test_collector=test_collector, logger=logger, persist_directory=persistence_dir, restore_directory=self.config.policy_restore_directory, ) # restore policy parameters if applicable if self.config.policy_restore_directory: policy_persistence.restore( policy, world, self.config.device, ) # train policy"Starting training") trainer_result: InfoStats | None = None if self.config.train: trainer = self.agent_factory.create_trainer(world, policy_persistence) world.trainer = trainer trainer_result ="Training result:\n{pformat(trainer_result)}") # watch agent performance if assert envs.watch_env is not None"Watching agent performance") self._watch_agent( self.config.watch_num_episodes, policy, envs.watch_env, self.config.watch_render, ) return ExperimentResult(world=world, trainer_result=trainer_result)
@staticmethod def _watch_agent( num_episodes: int, policy: BasePolicy, env: BaseVectorEnv, render: float, ) -> None: policy.eval() collector = Collector(policy, env) result = collector.collect(n_episode=num_episodes, render=render) assert result.returns_stat is not None # for mypy assert result.lens_stat is not None # for mypy f"Watched episodes: mean reward={result.returns_stat.mean}, mean episode length={result.lens_stat.mean}", )
[docs] class ExperimentBuilder: def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): if experiment_config is None: experiment_config = ExperimentConfig() if sampling_config is None: sampling_config = SamplingConfig() self._config = experiment_config self._env_factory = env_factory self._sampling_config = sampling_config self._logger_factory: LoggerFactory | None = None self._optim_factory: OptimizerFactory | None = None self._policy_wrapper_factory: PolicyWrapperFactory | None = None self._trainer_callbacks: TrainerCallbacks = TrainerCallbacks()
[docs] def with_logger_factory(self, logger_factory: LoggerFactory) -> Self: """Allows to customize the logger factory to use. If this method is not called, the default logger factory :class:`LoggerFactoryDefault` will be used. :param logger_factory: the factory to use :return: the builder """ self._logger_factory = logger_factory return self
[docs] def with_policy_wrapper_factory(self, policy_wrapper_factory: PolicyWrapperFactory) -> Self: """Allows to define a wrapper around the policy that is created, extending the original policy. :param policy_wrapper_factory: the factory for the wrapper :return: the builder """ self._policy_wrapper_factory = policy_wrapper_factory return self
[docs] def with_optim_factory(self, optim_factory: OptimizerFactory) -> Self: """Allows to customize the gradient-based optimizer to use. By default, :class:`OptimizerFactoryAdam` will be used with default parameters. :param optim_factory: the optimizer factory :return: the builder """ self._optim_factory = optim_factory return self
[docs] def with_optim_factory_default( self, betas: tuple[float, float] = (0.9, 0.999), eps: float = 1e-08, weight_decay: float = 0, ) -> Self: """Configures the use of the default optimizer, Adam, with the given parameters. :param betas: coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square :param eps: term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability :param weight_decay: weight decay (L2 penalty) :return: the builder """ self._optim_factory = OptimizerFactoryAdam(betas=betas, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay) return self
[docs] def with_epoch_train_callback(self, callback: EpochTrainCallback) -> Self: """Allows to define a callback function which is called at the beginning of every epoch during training. :param callback: the callback :return: the builder """ self._trainer_callbacks.epoch_train_callback = callback return self
[docs] def with_epoch_test_callback(self, callback: EpochTestCallback) -> Self: """Allows to define a callback function which is called at the beginning of testing in each epoch. :param callback: the callback :return: the builder """ self._trainer_callbacks.epoch_test_callback = callback return self
[docs] def with_epoch_stop_callback(self, callback: EpochStopCallback) -> Self: """Allows to define a callback that decides whether training shall stop early. The callback receives the undiscounted returns of the testing result. :param callback: the callback :return: the builder """ self._trainer_callbacks.epoch_stop_callback = callback return self
@abstractmethod def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: pass def _get_optim_factory(self) -> OptimizerFactory: if self._optim_factory is None: return OptimizerFactoryAdam() else: return self._optim_factory
[docs] def build(self) -> Experiment: """Creates the experiment based on the options specified via this builder. :return: the experiment """ agent_factory = self._create_agent_factory() agent_factory.set_trainer_callbacks(self._trainer_callbacks) if self._policy_wrapper_factory: agent_factory.set_policy_wrapper_factory(self._policy_wrapper_factory) experiment: Experiment = Experiment( self._config, self._env_factory, agent_factory, self._sampling_config, self._logger_factory, ) return experiment
class _BuilderMixinActorFactory(ActorFutureProviderProtocol): def __init__(self, continuous_actor_type: ContinuousActorType): self._continuous_actor_type = continuous_actor_type self._actor_future = ActorFuture() self._actor_factory: ActorFactory | None = None def with_actor_factory(self, actor_factory: ActorFactory) -> Self: """Allows to customize the actor component via the specification of a factory. If this function is not called, a default actor factory (with default parameters) will be used. :param actor_factory: the factory to use for the creation of the actor network :return: the builder """ self._actor_factory = actor_factory return self def _with_actor_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, continuous_unbounded: bool = False, continuous_conditioned_sigma: bool = False, ) -> Self: """Adds a default actor factory with the given parameters. :param hidden_sizes: the sequence of hidden dimensions to use in the network structure :param continuous_unbounded: whether, for continuous action spaces, to apply tanh activation on final logits :param continuous_conditioned_sigma: whether, for continuous action spaces, the standard deviation of continuous actions (sigma) shall be computed from the input; if False, sigma is an independent parameter. :return: the builder """ self._actor_factory = ActorFactoryDefault( self._continuous_actor_type, hidden_sizes, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, continuous_unbounded=continuous_unbounded, continuous_conditioned_sigma=continuous_conditioned_sigma, ) return self def get_actor_future(self) -> ActorFuture: """:return: an object, which, in the future, will contain the actor instance that is created for the experiment.""" return self._actor_future def _get_actor_factory(self) -> ActorFactory: actor_factory: ActorFactory if self._actor_factory is None: actor_factory = ActorFactoryDefault(self._continuous_actor_type) else: actor_factory = self._actor_factory return ActorFactoryTransientStorageDecorator(actor_factory, self._actor_future) class _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian(_BuilderMixinActorFactory): """Specialization of the actor mixin where, in the continuous case, the actor component outputs Gaussian distribution parameters.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(ContinuousActorType.GAUSSIAN) def with_actor_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, continuous_unbounded: bool = False, continuous_conditioned_sigma: bool = False, ) -> Self: """Defines use of the default actor factory, allowing its parameters it to be customized. The default actor factory uses an MLP-style architecture. :param hidden_sizes: dimensions of hidden layers used by the network :param hidden_activation: the activation function to use for hidden layers :param continuous_unbounded: whether, for continuous action spaces, to apply tanh activation on final logits :param continuous_conditioned_sigma: whether, for continuous action spaces, the standard deviation of continuous actions (sigma) shall be computed from the input; if False, sigma is an independent parameter. :return: the builder """ return super()._with_actor_factory_default( hidden_sizes, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, continuous_unbounded=continuous_unbounded, continuous_conditioned_sigma=continuous_conditioned_sigma, ) class _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousDeterministic(_BuilderMixinActorFactory): """Specialization of the actor mixin where, in the continuous case, the actor uses a deterministic policy.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(ContinuousActorType.DETERMINISTIC) def with_actor_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, ) -> Self: """Defines use of the default actor factory, allowing its parameters it to be customized. The default actor factory uses an MLP-style architecture. :param hidden_sizes: dimensions of hidden layers used by the network :param hidden_activation: the activation function to use for hidden layers :return: the builder """ return super()._with_actor_factory_default(hidden_sizes, hidden_activation) class _BuilderMixinCriticsFactory: def __init__(self, num_critics: int, actor_future_provider: ActorFutureProviderProtocol): self._actor_future_provider = actor_future_provider self._critic_factories: list[CriticFactory | None] = [None] * num_critics def _with_critic_factory(self, idx: int, critic_factory: CriticFactory) -> Self: self._critic_factories[idx] = critic_factory return self def _with_critic_factory_default( self, idx: int, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, ) -> Self: self._critic_factories[idx] = CriticFactoryDefault( hidden_sizes, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, ) return self def _with_critic_factory_use_actor(self, idx: int) -> Self: self._critic_factories[idx] = CriticFactoryReuseActor( self._actor_future_provider.get_actor_future(), ) return self def _get_critic_factory(self, idx: int) -> CriticFactory: factory = self._critic_factories[idx] if factory is None: return CriticFactoryDefault() else: return factory class _BuilderMixinSingleCriticFactory(_BuilderMixinCriticsFactory): def __init__(self, actor_future_provider: ActorFutureProviderProtocol) -> None: super().__init__(1, actor_future_provider) def with_critic_factory(self, critic_factory: CriticFactory) -> Self: """Specifies that the given factory shall be used for the critic. :param critic_factory: the critic factory :return: the builder """ self._with_critic_factory(0, critic_factory) return self def with_critic_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = CriticFactoryDefault.DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES, hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, ) -> Self: """Makes the critic use the default, MLP-style architecture with the given parameters. :param hidden_sizes: the sequence of dimensions to use in hidden layers of the network :param hidden_activation: the activation function to use for hidden layers :return: the builder """ self._with_critic_factory_default(0, hidden_sizes, hidden_activation) return self class _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory(_BuilderMixinSingleCriticFactory): def __init__(self, actor_future_provider: ActorFutureProviderProtocol) -> None: super().__init__(actor_future_provider) def with_critic_factory_use_actor(self) -> Self: """Makes the first critic reuse the actor's preprocessing network (parameter sharing).""" return self._with_critic_factory_use_actor(0) class _BuilderMixinDualCriticFactory(_BuilderMixinCriticsFactory): def __init__(self, actor_future_provider: ActorFutureProviderProtocol) -> None: super().__init__(2, actor_future_provider) def with_common_critic_factory(self, critic_factory: CriticFactory) -> Self: """Specifies that the given factory shall be used for both critics. :param critic_factory: the critic factory :return: the builder """ for i in range(len(self._critic_factories)): self._with_critic_factory(i, critic_factory) return self def with_common_critic_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = CriticFactoryDefault.DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES, hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, ) -> Self: """Makes both critics use the default, MLP-style architecture with the given parameters. :param hidden_sizes: the sequence of dimensions to use in hidden layers of the network :param hidden_activation: the activation function to use for hidden layers :return: the builder """ for i in range(len(self._critic_factories)): self._with_critic_factory_default(i, hidden_sizes, hidden_activation) return self def with_common_critic_factory_use_actor(self) -> Self: """Makes both critics reuse the actor's preprocessing network (parameter sharing).""" for i in range(len(self._critic_factories)): self._with_critic_factory_use_actor(i) return self def with_critic1_factory(self, critic_factory: CriticFactory) -> Self: """Specifies that the given factory shall be used for the first critic. :param critic_factory: the critic factory :return: the builder """ self._with_critic_factory(0, critic_factory) return self def with_critic1_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = CriticFactoryDefault.DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES, hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, ) -> Self: """Makes the first critic use the default, MLP-style architecture with the given parameters. :param hidden_sizes: the sequence of dimensions to use in hidden layers of the network :param hidden_activation: the activation function to use for hidden layers :return: the builder """ self._with_critic_factory_default(0, hidden_sizes, hidden_activation) return self def with_critic1_factory_use_actor(self) -> Self: """Makes the first critic reuse the actor's preprocessing network (parameter sharing).""" return self._with_critic_factory_use_actor(0) def with_critic2_factory(self, critic_factory: CriticFactory) -> Self: """Specifies that the given factory shall be used for the second critic. :param critic_factory: the critic factory :return: the builder """ self._with_critic_factory(1, critic_factory) return self def with_critic2_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = CriticFactoryDefault.DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES, hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, ) -> Self: """Makes the second critic use the default, MLP-style architecture with the given parameters. :param hidden_sizes: the sequence of dimensions to use in hidden layers of the network :param hidden_activation: the activation function to use for hidden layers :return: the builder """ self._with_critic_factory_default(1, hidden_sizes, hidden_activation) return self def with_critic2_factory_use_actor(self) -> Self: """Makes the first critic reuse the actor's preprocessing network (parameter sharing).""" return self._with_critic_factory_use_actor(1) class _BuilderMixinCriticEnsembleFactory: def __init__(self) -> None: self.critic_ensemble_factory: CriticEnsembleFactory | None = None def with_critic_ensemble_factory(self, factory: CriticEnsembleFactory) -> Self: """Specifies that the given factory shall be used for the critic ensemble. If unspecified, the default factory (:class:`CriticEnsembleFactoryDefault`) is used. :param factory: the critic ensemble factory :return: the builder """ self.critic_ensemble_factory = factory return self def with_critic_ensemble_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = CriticFactoryDefault.DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES, ) -> Self: """Allows to customize the parameters of the default critic ensemble factory. :param hidden_sizes: the sequence of sizes of hidden layers in the network architecture :return: the builder """ self.critic_ensemble_factory = CriticEnsembleFactoryDefault(hidden_sizes) return self def _get_critic_ensemble_factory(self) -> CriticEnsembleFactory: if self.critic_ensemble_factory is None: return CriticEnsembleFactoryDefault() else: return self.critic_ensemble_factory
[docs] class PGExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian.__init__(self) self._params: PGParams = PGParams() self._env_config = None
[docs] def with_pg_params(self, params: PGParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return PGAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class A2CExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian, _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian.__init__(self) _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory.__init__(self, self) self._params: A2CParams = A2CParams() self._env_config = None
[docs] def with_a2c_params(self, params: A2CParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return A2CAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_factory(0), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class PPOExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian, _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian.__init__(self) _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory.__init__(self, self) self._params: PPOParams = PPOParams()
[docs] def with_ppo_params(self, params: PPOParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return PPOAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_factory(0), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class NPGExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian, _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian.__init__(self) _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory.__init__(self, self) self._params: NPGParams = NPGParams()
[docs] def with_npg_params(self, params: NPGParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return NPGAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_factory(0), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class TRPOExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian, _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian.__init__(self) _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory.__init__(self, self) self._params: TRPOParams = TRPOParams()
[docs] def with_trpo_params(self, params: TRPOParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return TRPOAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_factory(0), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class DQNExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) self._params: DQNParams = DQNParams() self._model_factory: IntermediateModuleFactory = IntermediateModuleFactoryFromActorFactory( ActorFactoryDefault(ContinuousActorType.UNSUPPORTED, discrete_softmax=False), )
[docs] def with_dqn_params(self, params: DQNParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
[docs] def with_model_factory(self, module_factory: IntermediateModuleFactory) -> Self: """:param module_factory: factory for a module which maps environment observations to a vector of Q-values (one for each action) :return: the builder """ self._model_factory = module_factory return self
[docs] def with_model_factory_default( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], hidden_activation: ModuleType = torch.nn.ReLU, ) -> Self: """Allows to configure the default factory for the model of the Q function, which maps environment observations to a vector of Q-values (one for each action). The default model is a multi-layer perceptron. :param hidden_sizes: the sequence of dimensions used for hidden layers :param hidden_activation: the activation function to use for hidden layers (not used for the output layer) :return: the builder """ self._model_factory = IntermediateModuleFactoryFromActorFactory( ActorFactoryDefault( ContinuousActorType.UNSUPPORTED, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, discrete_softmax=False, ), ) return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return DQNAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._model_factory, self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class IQNExperimentBuilder(ExperimentBuilder): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) self._params: IQNParams = IQNParams() self._preprocess_network_factory: IntermediateModuleFactory = ( IntermediateModuleFactoryFromActorFactory( ActorFactoryDefault(ContinuousActorType.UNSUPPORTED, discrete_softmax=False), ) )
[docs] def with_iqn_params(self, params: IQNParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
[docs] def with_preprocess_network_factory(self, module_factory: IntermediateModuleFactory) -> Self: self._preprocess_network_factory = module_factory return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: model_factory = ImplicitQuantileNetworkFactory( self._preprocess_network_factory, hidden_sizes=self._params.hidden_sizes, num_cosines=self._params.num_cosines, ) return IQNAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, model_factory, self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class DDPGExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousDeterministic, _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousDeterministic.__init__(self) _BuilderMixinSingleCriticCanUseActorFactory.__init__(self, self) self._params: DDPGParams = DDPGParams()
[docs] def with_ddpg_params(self, params: DDPGParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return DDPGAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_factory(0), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class REDQExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian, _BuilderMixinCriticEnsembleFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian.__init__(self) _BuilderMixinCriticEnsembleFactory.__init__(self) self._params: REDQParams = REDQParams()
[docs] def with_redq_params(self, params: REDQParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return REDQAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_ensemble_factory(), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class SACExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian, _BuilderMixinDualCriticFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousGaussian.__init__(self) _BuilderMixinDualCriticFactory.__init__(self, self) self._params: SACParams = SACParams()
[docs] def with_sac_params(self, params: SACParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return SACAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_factory(0), self._get_critic_factory(1), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class DiscreteSACExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory, _BuilderMixinDualCriticFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory.__init__(self, ContinuousActorType.UNSUPPORTED) _BuilderMixinDualCriticFactory.__init__(self, self) self._params: DiscreteSACParams = DiscreteSACParams()
[docs] def with_sac_params(self, params: DiscreteSACParams) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return DiscreteSACAgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_factory(0), self._get_critic_factory(1), self._get_optim_factory(), )
[docs] class TD3ExperimentBuilder( ExperimentBuilder, _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousDeterministic, _BuilderMixinDualCriticFactory, ): def __init__( self, env_factory: EnvFactory, experiment_config: ExperimentConfig | None = None, sampling_config: SamplingConfig | None = None, ): super().__init__(env_factory, experiment_config, sampling_config) _BuilderMixinActorFactory_ContinuousDeterministic.__init__(self) _BuilderMixinDualCriticFactory.__init__(self, self) self._params: TD3Params = TD3Params()
[docs] def with_td3_params(self, params: TD3Params) -> Self: self._params = params return self
def _create_agent_factory(self) -> AgentFactory: return TD3AgentFactory( self._params, self._sampling_config, self._get_actor_factory(), self._get_critic_factory(0), self._get_critic_factory(1), self._get_optim_factory(), )