Source code for tianshou.highlevel.module.critic

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Sequence

import numpy as np
from torch import nn

from tianshou.highlevel.env import Environments, EnvType
from import ActorFuture
from tianshou.highlevel.module.core import TDevice, init_linear_orthogonal
from tianshou.highlevel.module.module_opt import ModuleOpt
from tianshou.highlevel.optim import OptimizerFactory
from import continuous, discrete
from import BaseActor, EnsembleLinear, ModuleType, Net
from tianshou.utils.string import ToStringMixin

[docs] class CriticFactory(ToStringMixin, ABC): """Represents a factory for the generation of a critic module."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_module( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, use_action: bool, discrete_last_size_use_action_shape: bool = False, ) -> nn.Module: """Creates the critic module. :param envs: the environments :param device: the torch device :param use_action: whether to expect the action as an additional input (in addition to the observations) :param discrete_last_size_use_action_shape: whether, for the discrete case, the output dimension shall use the action shape :return: the module """
[docs] def create_module_opt( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, use_action: bool, optim_factory: OptimizerFactory, lr: float, discrete_last_size_use_action_shape: bool = False, ) -> ModuleOpt: """Creates the critic module along with its optimizer for the given learning rate. :param envs: the environments :param device: the torch device :param use_action: whether to expect the action as an additional input (in addition to the observations) :param optim_factory: the optimizer factory :param lr: the learning rate :param discrete_last_size_use_action_shape: whether, for the discrete case, the output dimension shall use the action shape :return: """ module = self.create_module( envs, device, use_action, discrete_last_size_use_action_shape=discrete_last_size_use_action_shape, ) opt = optim_factory.create_optimizer(module, lr) return ModuleOpt(module, opt)
[docs] class CriticFactoryDefault(CriticFactory): """A critic factory which, depending on the type of environment, creates a suitable MLP-based critic.""" DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES = (64, 64) def __init__( self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES, hidden_activation: ModuleType = nn.ReLU, ): self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes self.hidden_activation = hidden_activation
[docs] def create_module( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, use_action: bool, discrete_last_size_use_action_shape: bool = False, ) -> nn.Module: factory: CriticFactory env_type = envs.get_type() match env_type: case EnvType.CONTINUOUS: factory = CriticFactoryContinuousNet( self.hidden_sizes, activation=self.hidden_activation, ) case EnvType.DISCRETE: factory = CriticFactoryDiscreteNet( self.hidden_sizes, activation=self.hidden_activation, ) case _: raise ValueError(f"{env_type} not supported") return factory.create_module( envs, device, use_action, discrete_last_size_use_action_shape=discrete_last_size_use_action_shape, )
[docs] class CriticFactoryContinuousNet(CriticFactory): def __init__(self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], activation: ModuleType = nn.ReLU): self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes self.activation = activation
[docs] def create_module( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, use_action: bool, discrete_last_size_use_action_shape: bool = False, ) -> nn.Module: action_shape = envs.get_action_shape() if use_action else 0 net_c = Net( state_shape=envs.get_observation_shape(), action_shape=action_shape, hidden_sizes=self.hidden_sizes, concat=use_action, activation=self.activation, device=device, ) critic = continuous.Critic(net_c, device=device).to(device) init_linear_orthogonal(critic) return critic
[docs] class CriticFactoryDiscreteNet(CriticFactory): def __init__(self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], activation: ModuleType = nn.ReLU): self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes self.activation = activation
[docs] def create_module( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, use_action: bool, discrete_last_size_use_action_shape: bool = False, ) -> nn.Module: action_shape = envs.get_action_shape() if use_action else 0 net_c = Net( state_shape=envs.get_observation_shape(), action_shape=action_shape, hidden_sizes=self.hidden_sizes, concat=use_action, activation=self.activation, device=device, ) last_size = ( int( if discrete_last_size_use_action_shape else 1 ) critic = discrete.Critic(net_c, device=device, last_size=last_size).to(device) init_linear_orthogonal(critic) return critic
[docs] class CriticFactoryReuseActor(CriticFactory): """A critic factory which reuses the actor's preprocessing component. This class is for internal use in experiment builders only. """ def __init__(self, actor_future: ActorFuture): """:param actor_future: the object, which will hold the actor instance later when the critic is to be created""" self.actor_future = actor_future def _tostring_excludes(self) -> list[str]: return ["actor_future"]
[docs] def create_module( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, use_action: bool, discrete_last_size_use_action_shape: bool = False, ) -> nn.Module: actor = if not isinstance(actor, BaseActor): raise ValueError( f"Option critic_use_action can only be used if actor is of type {BaseActor.__class__.__name__}", ) if envs.get_type().is_discrete(): # TODO get rid of this prod pattern here and elsewhere last_size = ( int( if discrete_last_size_use_action_shape else 1 ) return discrete.Critic( actor.get_preprocess_net(), device=device, last_size=last_size, ).to(device) elif envs.get_type().is_continuous(): return continuous.Critic(actor.get_preprocess_net(), device=device).to(device) else: raise ValueError
[docs] class CriticEnsembleFactory:
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_module( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, ensemble_size: int, use_action: bool, ) -> nn.Module: pass
[docs] def create_module_opt( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, ensemble_size: int, use_action: bool, optim_factory: OptimizerFactory, lr: float, ) -> ModuleOpt: module = self.create_module(envs, device, ensemble_size, use_action) opt = optim_factory.create_optimizer(module, lr) return ModuleOpt(module, opt)
[docs] class CriticEnsembleFactoryDefault(CriticEnsembleFactory): """A critic ensemble factory which, depending on the type of environment, creates a suitable MLP-based critic.""" DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES = (64, 64) def __init__(self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SIZES): self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes
[docs] def create_module( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, ensemble_size: int, use_action: bool, ) -> nn.Module: env_type = envs.get_type() factory: CriticEnsembleFactory match env_type: case EnvType.CONTINUOUS: factory = CriticEnsembleFactoryContinuousNet(self.hidden_sizes) case EnvType.DISCRETE: raise NotImplementedError("No default is implemented for the discrete case") case _: raise ValueError(f"{env_type} not supported") return factory.create_module( envs, device, ensemble_size, use_action, )
[docs] class CriticEnsembleFactoryContinuousNet(CriticEnsembleFactory): def __init__(self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int]): self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes
[docs] def create_module( self, envs: Environments, device: TDevice, ensemble_size: int, use_action: bool, ) -> nn.Module: def linear_layer(x: int, y: int) -> EnsembleLinear: return EnsembleLinear(ensemble_size, x, y) action_shape = envs.get_action_shape() if use_action else 0 net_c = Net( state_shape=envs.get_observation_shape(), action_shape=action_shape, hidden_sizes=self.hidden_sizes, concat=use_action, activation=nn.Tanh, device=device, linear_layer=linear_layer, ) critic = continuous.Critic( net_c, device=device, linear_layer=linear_layer, flatten_input=False, ).to(device) init_linear_orthogonal(critic) return critic