
class SamplingConfig(num_epochs: int = 100, step_per_epoch: int = 30000, batch_size: int | None = 64, num_train_envs: int = -1, num_test_envs: int = 1, num_test_episodes: int = 1, buffer_size: int = 4096, step_per_collect: int = 2048, repeat_per_collect: int | None = 1, update_per_step: float = 1.0, start_timesteps: int = 0, start_timesteps_random: bool = False, replay_buffer_ignore_obs_next: bool = False, replay_buffer_save_only_last_obs: bool = False, replay_buffer_stack_num: int = 1)[source]#

Configuration of sampling, epochs, parallelization, buffers, collectors, and batching.

batch_size: int | None = 64#

for off-policy algorithms, this is the number of environment steps/transitions to sample from the buffer for a gradient update; for on-policy algorithms, its use is algorithm-specific. On-policy algorithms use the full buffer that was collected in the preceding collection step but they may use this parameter to perform the gradient update using mini-batches of this size (causing the gradient to be less accurate, a form of regularization).

batch_size=None means that the full buffer is used for the gradient update. This doesn’t make much sense for off-policy algorithms and is not recommended then. For on-policy or offline algorithms, this means that the full buffer is used for the gradient update (no mini-batching), and may make sense in some cases.

buffer_size: int = 4096#

the total size of the sample/replay buffer, in which environment steps (transitions) are stored

num_epochs: int = 100#

the number of epochs to run training for. An epoch is the outermost iteration level and each epoch consists of a number of training steps and a test step, where each training step

  • collects environment steps/transitions (collection step), adding them to the (replay) buffer (see step_per_collect)

  • performs one or more gradient updates (see update_per_step),

and the test step collects num_episodes_per_test test episodes in order to evaluate agent performance.

The number of training steps in each epoch is indirectly determined by step_per_epoch: As many training steps will be performed as are required in order to reach step_per_epoch total steps in the training environments. Specifically, if the number of transitions collected per step is c (see step_per_collect) and step_per_epoch is set to s, then the number of training steps per epoch is ceil(s / c).

Therefore, if num_epochs = e, the total number of environment steps taken during training can be computed as e * ceil(s / c) * c.

num_test_envs: int = 1#

the number of test environments to use

num_test_episodes: int = 1#

the total number of episodes to collect in each test step (across all test environments).

num_train_envs: int = -1#

the number of training environments to use. If set to -1, use number of CPUs/threads.

repeat_per_collect: int | None = 1#

controls, within one gradient update step of an on-policy algorithm, the number of times an actual gradient update is applied using the full collected dataset, i.e. if the parameter is n, then the collected data shall be used five times to update the policy within the same training step.

The parameter is ignored and may be set to None for off-policy and offline algorithms.

replay_buffer_ignore_obs_next: bool = False#
replay_buffer_save_only_last_obs: bool = False#

if True, only the most recent frame is saved when appending to experiences rather than the full stacked frames. This avoids duplicating observations in buffer memory. Set to False to save stacked frames in full.

replay_buffer_stack_num: int = 1#

the number of consecutive environment observations to stack and use as the observation input to the agent for each time step. Setting this to a value greater than 1 can help agents learn temporal aspects (e.g. velocities of moving objects for which only positions are observed).

start_timesteps: int = 0#

the number of environment steps to collect before the actual training loop begins

start_timesteps_random: bool = False#

whether to use a random policy (instead of the initial or restored policy to be trained) when collecting the initial start_timesteps environment steps before training

step_per_collect: int = 2048#

the number of environment steps/transitions to collect in each collection step before the network update within each training step. Note that the exact number can be reached only if this is a multiple of the number of training environments being used, as each training environment will produce the same (non-zero) number of transitions. Specifically, if this is set to n and m training environments are used, then the total number of transitions collected per collection step is ceil(n / m) * m =: c.

See num_epochs for information on the total number of environment steps being collected during training.

step_per_epoch: int = 30000#

the total number of environment steps to be made per epoch. See num_epochs for an explanation of epoch semantics.

update_per_step: float = 1.0#

for off-policy algorithms only: the number of gradient steps to perform per sample collected (see step_per_collect). Specifically, if this is set to u and the number of samples collected in the preceding collection step is n, then round(u * n) gradient steps will be performed.

Note that for on-policy algorithms, only a single gradient update is usually performed, because thereafter, the samples no longer reflect the behavior of the updated policy. To change the number of gradient updates for an on-policy algorithm, use parameter repeat_per_collect instead.