Source code for

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import h5py
import numpy as np

from import Batch
from import _alloc_by_keys_diff, _create_value
from import from_hdf5, to_hdf5

[docs]class ReplayBuffer: """:class:`` stores data generated from interaction \ between the policy and environment. ReplayBuffer can be considered as a specialized form (or management) of Batch. It stores all the data in a batch with circular-queue style. For the example usage of ReplayBuffer, please check out Section Buffer in :doc:`/tutorials/concepts`. :param int size: the maximum size of replay buffer. :param int stack_num: the frame-stack sampling argument, should be greater than or equal to 1. Default to 1 (no stacking). :param bool ignore_obs_next: whether to store obs_next. Default to False. :param bool save_only_last_obs: only save the last obs/obs_next when it has a shape of (timestep, ...) because of temporal stacking. Default to False. :param bool sample_avail: the parameter indicating sampling only available index when using frame-stack sampling method. Default to False. """ _reserved_keys = ("obs", "act", "rew", "done", "obs_next", "info", "policy") def __init__( self, size: int, stack_num: int = 1, ignore_obs_next: bool = False, save_only_last_obs: bool = False, sample_avail: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, # otherwise PrioritizedVectorReplayBuffer will cause TypeError ) -> None: self.options: Dict[str, Any] = { "stack_num": stack_num, "ignore_obs_next": ignore_obs_next, "save_only_last_obs": save_only_last_obs, "sample_avail": sample_avail, } super().__init__() self.maxsize = int(size) assert stack_num > 0, "stack_num should be greater than 0" self.stack_num = stack_num self._indices = np.arange(size) self._save_obs_next = not ignore_obs_next self._save_only_last_obs = save_only_last_obs self._sample_avail = sample_avail self._meta: Batch = Batch() self._ep_rew: Union[float, np.ndarray] self.reset()
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return len(self).""" return self._size
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return str(self).""" return self.__class__.__name__ + self._meta.__repr__()[5:] def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: """Return self.key.""" try: return self._meta[key] except KeyError as exception: raise AttributeError from exception def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Unpickling interface. We need it because pickling buffer does not work out-of-the-box ("buffer.__getattr__" is customized). """ self.__dict__.update(state) def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set self.key = value.""" assert (key not in self._reserved_keys ), "key '{}' is reserved and cannot be assigned".format(key) super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def save_hdf5(self, path: str, compression: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Save replay buffer to HDF5 file.""" with h5py.File(path, "w") as f: to_hdf5(self.__dict__, f, compression=compression)
[docs] @classmethod def load_hdf5(cls, path: str, device: Optional[str] = None) -> "ReplayBuffer": """Load replay buffer from HDF5 file.""" with h5py.File(path, "r") as f: buf = cls.__new__(cls) buf.__setstate__(from_hdf5(f, device=device)) # type: ignore return buf
[docs] @classmethod def from_data( cls, obs: h5py.Dataset, act: h5py.Dataset, rew: h5py.Dataset, done: h5py.Dataset, obs_next: h5py.Dataset ) -> "ReplayBuffer": size = len(obs) assert all(len(dset) == size for dset in [obs, act, rew, done, obs_next]), \ "Lengths of all hdf5 datasets need to be equal." buf = cls(size) if size == 0: return buf batch = Batch(obs=obs, act=act, rew=rew, done=done, obs_next=obs_next) buf.set_batch(batch) buf._size = size return buf
[docs] def reset(self, keep_statistics: bool = False) -> None: """Clear all the data in replay buffer and episode statistics.""" self.last_index = np.array([0]) self._index = self._size = 0 if not keep_statistics: self._ep_rew, self._ep_len, self._ep_idx = 0.0, 0, 0
[docs] def set_batch(self, batch: Batch) -> None: """Manually choose the batch you want the ReplayBuffer to manage.""" assert len(batch) == self.maxsize and set(batch.keys()).issubset( self._reserved_keys ), "Input batch doesn't meet ReplayBuffer's data form requirement." self._meta = batch
[docs] def unfinished_index(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return the index of unfinished episode.""" last = (self._index - 1) % self._size if self._size else 0 return np.array([last] if not self.done[last] and self._size else [], int)
[docs] def prev(self, index: Union[int, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Return the index of previous transition. The index won't be modified if it is the beginning of an episode. """ index = (index - 1) % self._size end_flag = self.done[index] | (index == self.last_index[0]) return (index + end_flag) % self._size
[docs] def next(self, index: Union[int, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Return the index of next transition. The index won't be modified if it is the end of an episode. """ end_flag = self.done[index] | (index == self.last_index[0]) return (index + (1 - end_flag)) % self._size
[docs] def update(self, buffer: "ReplayBuffer") -> np.ndarray: """Move the data from the given buffer to current buffer. Return the updated indices. If update fails, return an empty array. """ if len(buffer) == 0 or self.maxsize == 0: return np.array([], int) stack_num, buffer.stack_num = buffer.stack_num, 1 from_indices = buffer.sample_indices(0) # get all available indices buffer.stack_num = stack_num if len(from_indices) == 0: return np.array([], int) to_indices = [] for _ in range(len(from_indices)): to_indices.append(self._index) self.last_index[0] = self._index self._index = (self._index + 1) % self.maxsize self._size = min(self._size + 1, self.maxsize) to_indices = np.array(to_indices) if self._meta.is_empty(): self._meta = _create_value( # type: ignore buffer._meta, self.maxsize, stack=False) self._meta[to_indices] = buffer._meta[from_indices] return to_indices
def _add_index(self, rew: Union[float, np.ndarray], done: bool) -> Tuple[int, Union[float, np.ndarray], int, int]: """Maintain the buffer's state after adding one data batch. Return (index_to_be_modified, episode_reward, episode_length, episode_start_index). """ self.last_index[0] = ptr = self._index self._size = min(self._size + 1, self.maxsize) self._index = (self._index + 1) % self.maxsize self._ep_rew += rew self._ep_len += 1 if done: result = ptr, self._ep_rew, self._ep_len, self._ep_idx self._ep_rew, self._ep_len, self._ep_idx = 0.0, 0, self._index return result else: return ptr, self._ep_rew * 0.0, 0, self._ep_idx
[docs] def add( self, batch: Batch, buffer_ids: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[int]]] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Add a batch of data into replay buffer. :param Batch batch: the input data batch. Its keys must belong to the 7 reserved keys, and "obs", "act", "rew", "done" is required. :param buffer_ids: to make consistent with other buffer's add function; if it is not None, we assume the input batch's first dimension is always 1. Return (current_index, episode_reward, episode_length, episode_start_index). If the episode is not finished, the return value of episode_length and episode_reward is 0. """ # preprocess batch new_batch = Batch() for key in set(self._reserved_keys).intersection(batch.keys()): new_batch.__dict__[key] = batch[key] batch = new_batch assert set(["obs", "act", "rew", "done"]).issubset(batch.keys()) stacked_batch = buffer_ids is not None if stacked_batch: assert len(batch) == 1 if self._save_only_last_obs: batch.obs = batch.obs[:, -1] if stacked_batch else batch.obs[-1] if not self._save_obs_next: batch.pop("obs_next", None) elif self._save_only_last_obs: batch.obs_next = ( batch.obs_next[:, -1] if stacked_batch else batch.obs_next[-1] ) # get ptr if stacked_batch: rew, done = batch.rew[0], batch.done[0] else: rew, done = batch.rew, batch.done ptr, ep_rew, ep_len, ep_idx = list( map(lambda x: np.array([x]), self._add_index(rew, done)) ) try: self._meta[ptr] = batch except ValueError: stack = not stacked_batch batch.rew = batch.rew.astype(float) batch.done = batch.done.astype(bool) if self._meta.is_empty(): self._meta = _create_value( # type: ignore batch, self.maxsize, stack) else: # dynamic key pops up in batch _alloc_by_keys_diff(self._meta, batch, self.maxsize, stack) self._meta[ptr] = batch return ptr, ep_rew, ep_len, ep_idx
[docs] def sample_indices(self, batch_size: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get a random sample of index with size = batch_size. Return all available indices in the buffer if batch_size is 0; return an empty numpy array if batch_size < 0 or no available index can be sampled. """ if self.stack_num == 1 or not self._sample_avail: # most often case if batch_size > 0: return np.random.choice(self._size, batch_size) elif batch_size == 0: # construct current available indices return np.concatenate( [np.arange(self._index, self._size), np.arange(self._index)] ) else: return np.array([], int) else: if batch_size < 0: return np.array([], int) all_indices = prev_indices = np.concatenate( [np.arange(self._index, self._size), np.arange(self._index)] ) for _ in range(self.stack_num - 2): prev_indices = self.prev(prev_indices) all_indices = all_indices[prev_indices != self.prev(prev_indices)] if batch_size > 0: return np.random.choice(all_indices, batch_size) else: return all_indices
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Batch, np.ndarray]: """Get a random sample from buffer with size = batch_size. Return all the data in the buffer if batch_size is 0. :return: Sample data and its corresponding index inside the buffer. """ indices = self.sample_indices(batch_size) return self[indices], indices
[docs] def get( self, index: Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray], key: str, default_value: Any = None, stack_num: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Union[Batch, np.ndarray]: """Return the stacked result. E.g., if you set ``key = "obs", stack_num = 4, index = t``, it returns the stacked result as ``[obs[t-3], obs[t-2], obs[t-1], obs[t]]``. :param index: the index for getting stacked data. :param str key: the key to get, should be one of the reserved_keys. :param default_value: if the given key's data is not found and default_value is set, return this default_value. :param int stack_num: Default to self.stack_num. """ if key not in self._meta and default_value is not None: return default_value val = self._meta[key] if stack_num is None: stack_num = self.stack_num try: if stack_num == 1: # the most often case return val[index] stack: List[Any] = [] if isinstance(index, list): indices = np.array(index) else: indices = index # type: ignore for _ in range(stack_num): stack = [val[indices]] + stack indices = self.prev(indices) if isinstance(val, Batch): return Batch.stack(stack, axis=indices.ndim) else: return np.stack(stack, axis=indices.ndim) except IndexError as exception: if not (isinstance(val, Batch) and val.is_empty()): raise exception # val != Batch() return Batch()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: Union[slice, int, List[int], np.ndarray]) -> Batch: """Return a data batch: self[index]. If stack_num is larger than 1, return the stacked obs and obs_next with shape (batch, len, ...). """ if isinstance(index, slice): # change slice to np array # buffer[:] will get all available data indices = self.sample_indices(0) if index == slice(None) \ else self._indices[:len(self)][index] else: indices = index # type: ignore # raise KeyError first instead of AttributeError, # to support np.array([ReplayBuffer()]) obs = self.get(indices, "obs") if self._save_obs_next: obs_next = self.get(indices, "obs_next", Batch()) else: obs_next = self.get(, "obs", Batch()) return Batch( obs=obs, act=self.act[indices], rew=self.rew[indices], done=self.done[indices], obs_next=obs_next, info=self.get(indices, "info", Batch()), policy=self.get(indices, "policy", Batch()), )