Source code for

from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from import Batch, PrioritizedReplayBuffer, ReplayBuffer
from import _alloc_by_keys_diff, _create_value

[docs]class ReplayBufferManager(ReplayBuffer): """ReplayBufferManager contains a list of ReplayBuffer with exactly the same \ configuration. These replay buffers have contiguous memory layout, and the storage space each buffer has is a shallow copy of the topmost memory. :param buffer_list: a list of ReplayBuffer needed to be handled. .. seealso:: Please refer to :class:`` for other APIs' usage. """ def __init__(self, buffer_list: List[ReplayBuffer]) -> None: self.buffer_num = len(buffer_list) self.buffers = np.array(buffer_list, dtype=object) offset, size = [], 0 buffer_type = type(self.buffers[0]) kwargs = self.buffers[0].options for buf in self.buffers: assert buf._meta.is_empty() assert isinstance(buf, buffer_type) and buf.options == kwargs offset.append(size) size += buf.maxsize self._offset = np.array(offset) self._extend_offset = np.array(offset + [size]) self._lengths = np.zeros_like(offset) super().__init__(size=size, **kwargs) self._compile() self._meta: Batch def _compile(self) -> None: lens = last = index = np.array([0]) offset = np.array([0, 1]) done = np.array([False, False]) _prev_index(index, offset, done, last, lens) _next_index(index, offset, done, last, lens)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return int(self._lengths.sum())
[docs] def reset(self, keep_statistics: bool = False) -> None: self.last_index = self._offset.copy() self._lengths = np.zeros_like(self._offset) for buf in self.buffers: buf.reset(keep_statistics=keep_statistics)
def _set_batch_for_children(self) -> None: for offset, buf in zip(self._offset, self.buffers): buf.set_batch(self._meta[offset:offset + buf.maxsize])
[docs] def set_batch(self, batch: Batch) -> None: super().set_batch(batch) self._set_batch_for_children()
[docs] def unfinished_index(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.concatenate( [ buf.unfinished_index() + offset for offset, buf in zip(self._offset, self.buffers) ] )
[docs] def prev(self, index: Union[int, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(index, (list, np.ndarray)): return _prev_index( np.asarray(index), self._extend_offset, self.done, self.last_index, self._lengths ) else: return _prev_index( np.array([index]), self._extend_offset, self.done, self.last_index, self._lengths )[0]
[docs] def next(self, index: Union[int, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(index, (list, np.ndarray)): return _next_index( np.asarray(index), self._extend_offset, self.done, self.last_index, self._lengths ) else: return _next_index( np.array([index]), self._extend_offset, self.done, self.last_index, self._lengths )[0]
[docs] def update(self, buffer: ReplayBuffer) -> np.ndarray: """The ReplayBufferManager cannot be updated by any buffer.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add( self, batch: Batch, buffer_ids: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[int]]] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Add a batch of data into ReplayBufferManager. Each of the data's length (first dimension) must equal to the length of buffer_ids. By default buffer_ids is [0, 1, ..., buffer_num - 1]. Return (current_index, episode_reward, episode_length, episode_start_index). If the episode is not finished, the return value of episode_length and episode_reward is 0. """ # preprocess batch new_batch = Batch() for key in set(self._reserved_keys).intersection(batch.keys()): new_batch.__dict__[key] = batch[key] batch = new_batch assert set(["obs", "act", "rew", "done"]).issubset(batch.keys()) if self._save_only_last_obs: batch.obs = batch.obs[:, -1] if not self._save_obs_next: batch.pop("obs_next", None) elif self._save_only_last_obs: batch.obs_next = batch.obs_next[:, -1] # get index if buffer_ids is None: buffer_ids = np.arange(self.buffer_num) ptrs, ep_lens, ep_rews, ep_idxs = [], [], [], [] for batch_idx, buffer_id in enumerate(buffer_ids): ptr, ep_rew, ep_len, ep_idx = self.buffers[buffer_id]._add_index( batch.rew[batch_idx], batch.done[batch_idx] ) ptrs.append(ptr + self._offset[buffer_id]) ep_lens.append(ep_len) ep_rews.append(ep_rew) ep_idxs.append(ep_idx + self._offset[buffer_id]) self.last_index[buffer_id] = ptr + self._offset[buffer_id] self._lengths[buffer_id] = len(self.buffers[buffer_id]) ptrs = np.array(ptrs) try: self._meta[ptrs] = batch except ValueError: batch.rew = batch.rew.astype(float) batch.done = batch.done.astype(bool) if self._meta.is_empty(): self._meta = _create_value( # type: ignore batch, self.maxsize, stack=False) else: # dynamic key pops up in batch _alloc_by_keys_diff(self._meta, batch, self.maxsize, False) self._set_batch_for_children() self._meta[ptrs] = batch return ptrs, np.array(ep_rews), np.array(ep_lens), np.array(ep_idxs)
[docs] def sample_indices(self, batch_size: int) -> np.ndarray: if batch_size < 0: return np.array([], int) if self._sample_avail and self.stack_num > 1: all_indices = np.concatenate( [ buf.sample_indices(0) + offset for offset, buf in zip(self._offset, self.buffers) ] ) if batch_size == 0: return all_indices else: return np.random.choice(all_indices, batch_size) if batch_size == 0: # get all available indices sample_num = np.zeros(self.buffer_num, int) else: buffer_idx = np.random.choice( self.buffer_num, batch_size, p=self._lengths / self._lengths.sum() ) sample_num = np.bincount(buffer_idx, minlength=self.buffer_num) # avoid batch_size > 0 and sample_num == 0 -> get child's all data sample_num[sample_num == 0] = -1 return np.concatenate( [ buf.sample_indices(bsz) + offset for offset, buf, bsz in zip(self._offset, self.buffers, sample_num) ] )
[docs]class PrioritizedReplayBufferManager(PrioritizedReplayBuffer, ReplayBufferManager): """PrioritizedReplayBufferManager contains a list of PrioritizedReplayBuffer with \ exactly the same configuration. These replay buffers have contiguous memory layout, and the storage space each buffer has is a shallow copy of the topmost memory. :param buffer_list: a list of PrioritizedReplayBuffer needed to be handled. .. seealso:: Please refer to :class:`` for other APIs' usage. """ def __init__(self, buffer_list: Sequence[PrioritizedReplayBuffer]) -> None: ReplayBufferManager.__init__(self, buffer_list) # type: ignore kwargs = buffer_list[0].options for buf in buffer_list: del buf.weight PrioritizedReplayBuffer.__init__(self, self.maxsize, **kwargs)
@njit def _prev_index( index: np.ndarray, offset: np.ndarray, done: np.ndarray, last_index: np.ndarray, lengths: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: index = index % offset[-1] prev_index = np.zeros_like(index) for start, end, cur_len, last in zip(offset[:-1], offset[1:], lengths, last_index): mask = (start <= index) & (index < end) cur_len = max(1, cur_len) if np.sum(mask) > 0: subind = index[mask] subind = (subind - start - 1) % cur_len end_flag = done[subind + start] | (subind + start == last) prev_index[mask] = (subind + end_flag) % cur_len + start return prev_index @njit def _next_index( index: np.ndarray, offset: np.ndarray, done: np.ndarray, last_index: np.ndarray, lengths: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: index = index % offset[-1] next_index = np.zeros_like(index) for start, end, cur_len, last in zip(offset[:-1], offset[1:], lengths, last_index): mask = (start <= index) & (index < end) cur_len = max(1, cur_len) if np.sum(mask) > 0: subind = index[mask] end_flag = done[subind] | (subind == last) next_index[mask] = (subind - start + 1 - end_flag) % cur_len + start return next_index