Source code for tianshou.policy.modelfree.npg

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from torch.distributions import kl_divergence

from import Batch, ReplayBuffer
from tianshou.policy import A2CPolicy

[docs]class NPGPolicy(A2CPolicy): """Implementation of Natural Policy Gradient. :param torch.nn.Module actor: the actor network following the rules in :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy`. (s -> logits) :param torch.nn.Module critic: the critic network. (s -> V(s)) :param torch.optim.Optimizer optim: the optimizer for actor and critic network. :param dist_fn: distribution class for computing the action. :type dist_fn: Type[torch.distributions.Distribution] :param bool advantage_normalization: whether to do per mini-batch advantage normalization. Default to True. :param int optim_critic_iters: Number of times to optimize critic network per update. Default to 5. :param float gae_lambda: in [0, 1], param for Generalized Advantage Estimation. Default to 0.95. :param bool reward_normalization: normalize estimated values to have std close to 1. Default to False. :param int max_batchsize: the maximum size of the batch when computing GAE, depends on the size of available memory and the memory cost of the model; should be as large as possible within the memory constraint. Default to 256. :param bool action_scaling: whether to map actions from range [-1, 1] to range [action_spaces.low, action_spaces.high]. Default to True. :param str action_bound_method: method to bound action to range [-1, 1], can be either "clip" (for simply clipping the action), "tanh" (for applying tanh squashing) for now, or empty string for no bounding. Default to "clip". :param Optional[gym.Space] action_space: env's action space, mandatory if you want to use option "action_scaling" or "action_bound_method". Default to None. :param lr_scheduler: a learning rate scheduler that adjusts the learning rate in optimizer in each policy.update(). Default to None (no lr_scheduler). :param bool deterministic_eval: whether to use deterministic action instead of stochastic action sampled by the policy. Default to False. """ def __init__( self, actor: torch.nn.Module, critic: torch.nn.Module, optim: torch.optim.Optimizer, dist_fn: Type[torch.distributions.Distribution], advantage_normalization: bool = True, optim_critic_iters: int = 5, actor_step_size: float = 0.5, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(actor, critic, optim, dist_fn, **kwargs) del self._weight_vf, self._weight_ent, self._grad_norm self._norm_adv = advantage_normalization self._optim_critic_iters = optim_critic_iters self._step_size = actor_step_size # adjusts Hessian-vector product calculation for numerical stability self._damping = 0.1
[docs] def process_fn( self, batch: Batch, buffer: ReplayBuffer, indices: np.ndarray ) -> Batch: batch = super().process_fn(batch, buffer, indices) old_log_prob = [] with torch.no_grad(): for b in batch.split(self._batch, shuffle=False, merge_last=True): old_log_prob.append(self(b).dist.log_prob(b.act)) batch.logp_old =, dim=0) if self._norm_adv: batch.adv = (batch.adv - batch.adv.mean()) / batch.adv.std() return batch
[docs] def learn( # type: ignore self, batch: Batch, batch_size: int, repeat: int, **kwargs: Any ) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: actor_losses, vf_losses, kls = [], [], [] for _ in range(repeat): for b in batch.split(batch_size, merge_last=True): # optimize actor # direction: calculate villia gradient dist = self(b).dist log_prob = dist.log_prob(b.act) log_prob = log_prob.reshape(log_prob.size(0), -1).transpose(0, 1) actor_loss = -(log_prob * b.adv).mean() flat_grads = self._get_flat_grad( actor_loss,, retain_graph=True ).detach() # direction: calculate natural gradient with torch.no_grad(): old_dist = self(b).dist kl = kl_divergence(old_dist, dist).mean() # calculate first order gradient of kl with respect to theta flat_kl_grad = self._get_flat_grad(kl,, create_graph=True) search_direction = -self._conjugate_gradients( flat_grads, flat_kl_grad, nsteps=10 ) # step with torch.no_grad(): flat_params = [ for param in] ) new_flat_params = flat_params + self._step_size * search_direction self._set_from_flat_params(, new_flat_params) new_dist = self(b).dist kl = kl_divergence(old_dist, new_dist).mean() # optimize citirc for _ in range(self._optim_critic_iters): value = self.critic(b.obs).flatten() vf_loss = F.mse_loss(b.returns, value) self.optim.zero_grad() vf_loss.backward() self.optim.step() actor_losses.append(actor_loss.item()) vf_losses.append(vf_loss.item()) kls.append(kl.item()) # update learning rate if lr_scheduler is given if self.lr_scheduler is not None: self.lr_scheduler.step() return { "loss/actor": actor_losses, "loss/vf": vf_losses, "kl": kls, }
def _MVP(self, v: torch.Tensor, flat_kl_grad: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Matrix vector product.""" # caculate second order gradient of kl with respect to theta kl_v = (flat_kl_grad * v).sum() flat_kl_grad_grad = self._get_flat_grad(kl_v,, retain_graph=True).detach() return flat_kl_grad_grad + v * self._damping def _conjugate_gradients( self, b: torch.Tensor, flat_kl_grad: torch.Tensor, nsteps: int = 10, residual_tol: float = 1e-10 ) -> torch.Tensor: x = torch.zeros_like(b) r, p = b.clone(), b.clone() # Note: should be 'r, p = b - MVP(x)', but for x=0, MVP(x)=0. # Change if doing warm start. rdotr = for _ in range(nsteps): z = self._MVP(p, flat_kl_grad) alpha = rdotr / x += alpha * p r -= alpha * z new_rdotr = if new_rdotr < residual_tol: break p = r + new_rdotr / rdotr * p rdotr = new_rdotr return x def _get_flat_grad( self, y: torch.Tensor, model: nn.Module, **kwargs: Any ) -> torch.Tensor: grads = torch.autograd.grad(y, model.parameters(), **kwargs) # type: ignore return[grad.reshape(-1) for grad in grads]) def _set_from_flat_params( self, model: nn.Module, flat_params: torch.Tensor ) -> nn.Module: prev_ind = 0 for param in model.parameters(): flat_size = int( flat_params[prev_ind:prev_ind + flat_size].view(param.size()) ) prev_ind += flat_size return model