Source code for tianshou.policy.modelfree.dqn

import torch
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, Union, Optional

from tianshou.policy import BasePolicy
from import Batch, ReplayBuffer, to_torch_as, to_numpy

[docs]class DQNPolicy(BasePolicy): """Implementation of Deep Q Network. arXiv:1312.5602. Implementation of Double Q-Learning. arXiv:1509.06461. Implementation of Dueling DQN. arXiv:1511.06581 (the dueling DQN is implemented in the network side, not here). :param torch.nn.Module model: a model following the rules in :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy`. (s -> logits) :param torch.optim.Optimizer optim: a torch.optim for optimizing the model. :param float discount_factor: in [0, 1]. :param int estimation_step: the number of steps to look ahead. Default to 1. :param int target_update_freq: the target network update frequency (0 if you do not use the target network). Default to 0. :param bool reward_normalization: normalize the reward to Normal(0, 1). Default to False. .. seealso:: Please refer to :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy` for more detailed explanation. """ def __init__( self, model: torch.nn.Module, optim: torch.optim.Optimizer, discount_factor: float = 0.99, estimation_step: int = 1, target_update_freq: int = 0, reward_normalization: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.model = model self.optim = optim self.eps = 0.0 assert 0.0 <= discount_factor <= 1.0, "discount factor should be in [0, 1]" self._gamma = discount_factor assert estimation_step > 0, "estimation_step should be greater than 0" self._n_step = estimation_step self._target = target_update_freq > 0 self._freq = target_update_freq self._iter = 0 if self._target: self.model_old = deepcopy(self.model) self.model_old.eval() self._rew_norm = reward_normalization
[docs] def set_eps(self, eps: float) -> None: """Set the eps for epsilon-greedy exploration.""" self.eps = eps
[docs] def train(self, mode: bool = True) -> "DQNPolicy": """Set the module in training mode, except for the target network.""" = mode self.model.train(mode) return self
[docs] def sync_weight(self) -> None: """Synchronize the weight for the target network.""" self.model_old.load_state_dict(self.model.state_dict()) # type: ignore
def _target_q(self, buffer: ReplayBuffer, indice: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor: batch = buffer[indice] # batch.obs_next: s_{t+n} result = self(batch, input="obs_next") if self._target: # target_Q = Q_old(s_, argmax(Q_new(s_, *))) target_q = self(batch, model="model_old", input="obs_next").logits else: target_q = result.logits target_q = target_q[np.arange(len(result.act)), result.act] return target_q
[docs] def process_fn( self, batch: Batch, buffer: ReplayBuffer, indice: np.ndarray ) -> Batch: """Compute the n-step return for Q-learning targets. More details can be found at :meth:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy.compute_nstep_return`. """ batch = self.compute_nstep_return( batch, buffer, indice, self._target_q, self._gamma, self._n_step, self._rew_norm) return batch
[docs] def compute_q_value( self, logits: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] ) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the q value based on the network's raw output and action mask.""" if mask is not None: # the masked q value should be smaller than logits.min() min_value = logits.min() - logits.max() - 1.0 logits = logits + to_torch_as(1 - mask, logits) * min_value return logits
[docs] def forward( self, batch: Batch, state: Optional[Union[dict, Batch, np.ndarray]] = None, model: str = "model", input: str = "obs", **kwargs: Any, ) -> Batch: """Compute action over the given batch data. If you need to mask the action, please add a "mask" into batch.obs, for example, if we have an environment that has "0/1/2" three actions: :: batch == Batch( obs=Batch( obs="original obs, with batch_size=1 for demonstration", mask=np.array([[False, True, False]]), # action 1 is available # action 0 and 2 are unavailable ), ... ) :param float eps: in [0, 1], for epsilon-greedy exploration method. :return: A :class:`` which has 3 keys: * ``act`` the action. * ``logits`` the network's raw output. * ``state`` the hidden state. .. seealso:: Please refer to :meth:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy.forward` for more detailed explanation. """ model = getattr(self, model) obs = batch[input] obs_ = obs.obs if hasattr(obs, "obs") else obs logits, h = model(obs_, state=state, q = self.compute_q_value(logits, getattr(obs, "mask", None)) if not hasattr(self, "max_action_num"): self.max_action_num = q.shape[1] act = to_numpy(q.max(dim=1)[1]) return Batch(logits=logits, act=act, state=h)
[docs] def learn(self, batch: Batch, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, float]: if self._target and self._iter % self._freq == 0: self.sync_weight() self.optim.zero_grad() weight = batch.pop("weight", 1.0) q = self(batch).logits q = q[np.arange(len(q)), batch.act] r = to_torch_as(batch.returns.flatten(), q) td = r - q loss = (td.pow(2) * weight).mean() batch.weight = td # prio-buffer loss.backward() self.optim.step() self._iter += 1 return {"loss": loss.item()}
[docs] def exploration_noise( self, act: Union[np.ndarray, Batch], batch: Batch ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Batch]: if isinstance(act, np.ndarray) and not np.isclose(self.eps, 0.0): bsz = len(act) rand_mask = np.random.rand(bsz) < self.eps q = np.random.rand(bsz, self.max_action_num) # [0, 1] if hasattr(batch.obs, "mask"): q += batch.obs.mask rand_act = q.argmax(axis=1) act[rand_mask] = rand_act[rand_mask] return act