Source code for tianshou.utils.moving_average

import torch
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number
from typing import List, Union

from import to_numpy

[docs]class MovAvg(object): """Class for moving average. It will automatically exclude the infinity and NaN. Usage: :: >>> stat = MovAvg(size=66) >>> stat.add(torch.tensor(5)) 5.0 >>> stat.add(float('inf')) # which will not add to stat 5.0 >>> stat.add([6, 7, 8]) 6.5 >>> stat.get() 6.5 >>> print(f'{stat.mean():.2f}±{stat.std():.2f}') 6.50±1.12 """ def __init__(self, size: int = 100) -> None: super().__init__() self.size = size self.cache: List[Union[Number, np.number]] = [] self.banned = [np.inf, np.nan, -np.inf]
[docs] def add( self, x: Union[Number, np.number, list, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor] ) -> np.number: """Add a scalar into :class:`MovAvg`. You can add ``torch.Tensor`` with only one element, a python scalar, or a list of python scalar. """ if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): x = to_numpy(x.flatten()) if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray): for i in x: if i not in self.banned: self.cache.append(i) elif x not in self.banned: self.cache.append(x) if self.size > 0 and len(self.cache) > self.size: self.cache = self.cache[-self.size:] return self.get()
[docs] def get(self) -> np.number: """Get the average.""" if len(self.cache) == 0: return 0 return np.mean(self.cache)
[docs] def mean(self) -> np.number: """Get the average. Same as :meth:`get`.""" return self.get()
[docs] def std(self) -> np.number: """Get the standard deviation.""" if len(self.cache) == 0: return 0 return np.std(self.cache)