Contributing to Tianshou

Install Develop Version

To install Tianshou in an “editable” mode, run

$ git checkout dev
$ pip install -e ".[dev]"

in the main directory. This installation is removable by

$ python develop --uninstall

PEP8 Code Style Check

We follow PEP8 python code style. To check, in the main directory, run:

$ flake8 . --count --show-source --statistics

Test Locally

This command will run automatic tests in the main directory

$ pytest test --cov tianshou -s --durations 0 -v

Test by GitHub Actions

  1. Click the Actions button in your own repo:

  1. Click the green button:

  1. You will see Actions Enabled. on the top of html page.

  2. When you push a new commit to your own repo (e.g. git push), it will automatically run the test in this page:



Documentations are written under the docs/ directory as ReStructuredText (.rst) files. index.rst is the main page. A Tutorial on ReStructuredText can be found here.

API References are automatically generated by Sphinx according to the outlines under docs/api/ and should be modified when any code changes.

To compile documentation into webpages, run

$ make html

under the docs/ directory. The generated webpages are in docs/_build and can be viewed with browsers.

Chinese documentation is in, and the develop version of documentation is in

Pull Request

All of the commits should merge through the pull request to the dev branch. The pull request must have 2 approvals before merging.