Source code for tianshou.utils.logger.wandb

import argparse
import contextlib
import os
from import Callable

from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

from tianshou.utils import BaseLogger, TensorboardLogger
from tianshou.utils.logger.base import VALID_LOG_VALS_TYPE

with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
    import wandb

[docs] class WandbLogger(BaseLogger): """Weights and Biases logger that sends data to This logger creates three panels with plots: train, test, and update. Make sure to select the correct access for each panel in weights and biases: Example of usage: :: logger = WandbLogger() logger.load(SummaryWriter(log_path)) result = OnpolicyTrainer(policy, train_collector, test_collector, logger=logger).run() :param train_interval: the log interval in log_train_data(). Default to 1000. :param test_interval: the log interval in log_test_data(). Default to 1. :param update_interval: the log interval in log_update_data(). Default to 1000. :param info_interval: the log interval in log_info_data(). Default to 1. :param save_interval: the save interval in save_data(). Default to 1 (save at the end of each epoch). :param write_flush: whether to flush tensorboard result after each add_scalar operation. Default to True. :param str project: W&B project name. Default to "tianshou". :param str name: W&B run name. Default to None. If None, random name is assigned. :param str entity: W&B team/organization name. Default to None. :param str run_id: run id of W&B run to be resumed. Default to None. :param argparse.Namespace config: experiment configurations. Default to None. """ def __init__( self, train_interval: int = 1000, test_interval: int = 1, update_interval: int = 1000, info_interval: int = 1, save_interval: int = 1000, write_flush: bool = True, project: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, entity: str | None = None, run_id: str | None = None, config: argparse.Namespace | dict | None = None, monitor_gym: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(train_interval, test_interval, update_interval, info_interval) self.last_save_step = -1 self.save_interval = save_interval self.write_flush = write_flush self.restored = False if project is None: project = os.getenv("WANDB_PROJECT", "tianshou") self.wandb_run = ( wandb.init( project=project, name=name, id=run_id, resume="allow", entity=entity, sync_tensorboard=True, monitor_gym=monitor_gym, config=config, # type: ignore ) if not else ) self.wandb_run._label(repo="tianshou") # type: ignore self.tensorboard_logger: TensorboardLogger | None = None
[docs] def load(self, writer: SummaryWriter) -> None: self.writer = writer self.tensorboard_logger = TensorboardLogger( writer, self.train_interval, self.test_interval, self.update_interval, self.save_interval, self.write_flush, )
[docs] def write(self, step_type: str, step: int, data: dict[str, VALID_LOG_VALS_TYPE]) -> None: if self.tensorboard_logger is None: raise Exception( "`logger` needs to load the Tensorboard Writer before " "writing data. Try `logger.load(SummaryWriter(log_path))`", ) self.tensorboard_logger.write(step_type, step, data)
[docs] def save_data( self, epoch: int, env_step: int, gradient_step: int, save_checkpoint_fn: Callable[[int, int, int], str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Use writer to log metadata when calling ``save_checkpoint_fn`` in trainer. :param epoch: the epoch in trainer. :param env_step: the env_step in trainer. :param gradient_step: the gradient_step in trainer. :param function save_checkpoint_fn: a hook defined by user, see trainer documentation for detail. """ if save_checkpoint_fn and epoch - self.last_save_step >= self.save_interval: self.last_save_step = epoch checkpoint_path = save_checkpoint_fn(epoch, env_step, gradient_step) checkpoint_artifact = wandb.Artifact( "run_" + + "_checkpoint", # type: ignore type="model", metadata={ "save/epoch": epoch, "save/env_step": env_step, "save/gradient_step": gradient_step, "checkpoint_path": str(checkpoint_path), }, ) checkpoint_artifact.add_file(str(checkpoint_path)) self.wandb_run.log_artifact(checkpoint_artifact) # type: ignore
[docs] def restore_data(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: checkpoint_artifact = self.wandb_run.use_artifact( # type: ignore f"run_{}_checkpoint:latest", # type: ignore ) assert checkpoint_artifact is not None, "W&B dataset artifact doesn't exist" os.path.dirname(checkpoint_artifact.metadata["checkpoint_path"]), ) try: # epoch / gradient_step epoch = checkpoint_artifact.metadata["save/epoch"] self.last_save_step = self.last_log_test_step = epoch gradient_step = checkpoint_artifact.metadata["save/gradient_step"] self.last_log_update_step = gradient_step except KeyError: epoch, gradient_step = 0, 0 try: # offline trainer doesn't have env_step env_step = checkpoint_artifact.metadata["save/env_step"] self.last_log_train_step = env_step except KeyError: env_step = 0 return epoch, env_step, gradient_step