Source code for

import pickle
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any, Union, no_type_check

import h5py
import numpy as np
import torch

from import Batch, _parse_value

# TODO: confusing name, could actually return a batch...
#  Overrides and generic types should be added
# todo check for ActBatchProtocol
[docs] @no_type_check def to_numpy(x: Any) -> Batch | np.ndarray: """Return an object without torch.Tensor.""" if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): # most often case return x.detach().cpu().numpy() if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): # second often case return x if isinstance(x, np.number | np.bool_ | Number): return np.asanyarray(x) if x is None: return np.array(None, dtype=object) if isinstance(x, dict | Batch): x = Batch(x) if isinstance(x, dict) else deepcopy(x) x.to_numpy_() return x if isinstance(x, list | tuple): return to_numpy(_parse_value(x)) # fallback return np.asanyarray(x)
[docs] @no_type_check def to_torch( x: Any, dtype: torch.dtype | None = None, device: str | int | torch.device = "cpu", ) -> Batch | torch.Tensor: """Return an object without np.ndarray.""" if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and issubclass( x.dtype.type, np.bool_ | np.number, ): # most often case x = torch.from_numpy(x).to(device) if dtype is not None: x = x.type(dtype) return x if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): # second often case if dtype is not None: x = x.type(dtype) return if isinstance(x, np.number | np.bool_ | Number): return to_torch(np.asanyarray(x), dtype, device) if isinstance(x, dict | Batch): x = Batch(x, copy=True) if isinstance(x, dict) else deepcopy(x) x.to_torch_(dtype, device) return x if isinstance(x, list | tuple): return to_torch(_parse_value(x), dtype, device) # fallback raise TypeError(f"object {x} cannot be converted to torch.")
[docs] @no_type_check def to_torch_as(x: Any, y: torch.Tensor) -> Batch | torch.Tensor: """Return an object without np.ndarray. Same as ``to_torch(x, dtype=y.dtype, device=y.device)``. """ assert isinstance(y, torch.Tensor) return to_torch(x, dtype=y.dtype, device=y.device)
# Note: object is used as a proxy for objects that can be pickled # Note: mypy does not support cyclic definition currently Hdf5ConvertibleValues = Union[ int, float, Batch, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, object, "Hdf5ConvertibleType", ] Hdf5ConvertibleType = dict[str, Hdf5ConvertibleValues]
[docs] def to_hdf5(x: Hdf5ConvertibleType, y: h5py.Group, compression: str | None = None) -> None: """Copy object into HDF5 group.""" def to_hdf5_via_pickle( x: object, y: h5py.Group, key: str, compression: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Pickle, convert to numpy array and write to HDF5 dataset.""" data = np.frombuffer(pickle.dumps(x), dtype=np.byte) y.create_dataset(key, data=data, compression=compression) for k, v in x.items(): if isinstance(v, Batch | dict): # dicts and batches are both represented by groups subgrp = y.create_group(k) if isinstance(v, Batch): subgrp_data = v.__getstate__() subgrp.attrs["__data_type__"] = "Batch" else: subgrp_data = v to_hdf5(subgrp_data, subgrp, compression=compression) elif isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): # PyTorch tensors are written to datasets y.create_dataset(k, data=to_numpy(v), compression=compression) y[k].attrs["__data_type__"] = "Tensor" elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): try: # NumPy arrays are written to datasets y.create_dataset(k, data=v, compression=compression) y[k].attrs["__data_type__"] = "ndarray" except TypeError: # If data type is not supported by HDF5 fall back to pickle. # This happens if dtype=object (e.g. due to entries being None) # and possibly in other cases like structured arrays. try: to_hdf5_via_pickle(v, y, k, compression=compression) except Exception as exception: raise RuntimeError( f"Attempted to pickle {v.__class__.__name__} due to " "data type not supported by HDF5 and failed.", ) from exception y[k].attrs["__data_type__"] = "pickled_ndarray" elif isinstance(v, int | float): # ints and floats are stored as attributes of groups y.attrs[k] = v else: # resort to pickle for any other type of object try: to_hdf5_via_pickle(v, y, k, compression=compression) except Exception as exception: raise NotImplementedError( f"No conversion to HDF5 for object of type '{type(v)}' " "implemented and fallback to pickle failed.", ) from exception y[k].attrs["__data_type__"] = v.__class__.__name__
[docs] def from_hdf5(x: h5py.Group, device: str | None = None) -> Hdf5ConvertibleValues: """Restore object from HDF5 group.""" if isinstance(x, h5py.Dataset): # handle datasets if x.attrs["__data_type__"] == "ndarray": return np.array(x) if x.attrs["__data_type__"] == "Tensor": return torch.tensor(x, device=device) return pickle.loads(x[()]) # handle groups representing a dict or a Batch y = dict(x.attrs.items()) data_type = y.pop("__data_type__", None) for k, v in x.items(): y[k] = from_hdf5(v, device) return Batch(y) if data_type == "Batch" else y