Source code for

import time
import warnings
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Self, TypeVar, cast

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import torch

from import (
from import (
from tianshou.env import BaseVectorEnv, DummyVectorEnv
from tianshou.policy import BasePolicy
from tianshou.utils.print import DataclassPPrintMixin

[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True) class CollectStatsBase(DataclassPPrintMixin): """The most basic stats, often used for offline learning.""" n_collected_episodes: int = 0 """The number of collected episodes.""" n_collected_steps: int = 0 """The number of collected steps."""
[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True) class CollectStats(CollectStatsBase): """A data structure for storing the statistics of rollouts.""" collect_time: float = 0.0 """The time for collecting transitions.""" collect_speed: float = 0.0 """The speed of collecting (env_step per second).""" returns: np.ndarray """The collected episode returns.""" returns_stat: SequenceSummaryStats | None # can be None if no episode ends during the collect step """Stats of the collected returns.""" lens: np.ndarray """The collected episode lengths.""" lens_stat: SequenceSummaryStats | None # can be None if no episode ends during the collect step """Stats of the collected episode lengths."""
[docs] @classmethod def with_autogenerated_stats( cls, returns: np.ndarray, lens: np.ndarray, n_collected_episodes: int = 0, n_collected_steps: int = 0, collect_time: float = 0.0, collect_speed: float = 0.0, ) -> Self: """Return a new instance with the stats autogenerated from the given lists.""" returns_stat = SequenceSummaryStats.from_sequence(returns) if returns.size > 0 else None lens_stat = SequenceSummaryStats.from_sequence(lens) if lens.size > 0 else None return cls( n_collected_episodes=n_collected_episodes, n_collected_steps=n_collected_steps, collect_time=collect_time, collect_speed=collect_speed, returns=returns, returns_stat=returns_stat, lens=np.array(lens, int), lens_stat=lens_stat, )
_TArrLike = TypeVar("_TArrLike", bound="np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | Batch | None") def _nullable_slice(obj: _TArrLike, indices: np.ndarray) -> _TArrLike: """Return None, or the values at the given indices if the object is not None.""" if obj is not None: return obj[indices] # type: ignore[index, return-value] return None # type: ignore[unreachable] def _dict_of_arr_to_arr_of_dicts(dict_of_arr: dict[str, np.ndarray | dict]) -> np.ndarray: return np.array(Batch(dict_of_arr).to_list_of_dicts()) def _HACKY_create_info_batch(info_array: np.ndarray) -> Batch: """TODO: this exists because of multiple bugs in Batch and to restore backwards compatibility. Batch should be fixed and this function should be removed asap!. """ if info_array.dtype != np.dtype("O"): raise ValueError( f"Expected info_array to have dtype=object, but got {info_array.dtype}.", ) truthy_info_indices = info_array.nonzero()[0] falsy_info_indices = set(range(len(info_array))) - set(truthy_info_indices) falsy_info_indices = np.array(list(falsy_info_indices), dtype=int) if len(falsy_info_indices) == len(info_array): return Batch() some_nonempty_info = None for info in info_array: if info: some_nonempty_info = info break info_array = copy(info_array) info_array[falsy_info_indices] = some_nonempty_info result_batch_parent = Batch(info=info_array)[falsy_info_indices] = {} return
[docs] class Collector: """Collector enables the policy to interact with different types of envs with exact number of steps or episodes. :param policy: an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy` class. :param env: a ``gym.Env`` environment or an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.env.BaseVectorEnv` class. :param buffer: an instance of the :class:`` class. If set to None, will instantiate a :class:`` as the default buffer. :param exploration_noise: determine whether the action needs to be modified with the corresponding policy's exploration noise. If so, "policy. exploration_noise(act, batch)" will be called automatically to add the exploration noise into action. Default to False. .. note:: Please make sure the given environment has a time limitation if using n_episode collect option. .. note:: In past versions of Tianshou, the replay buffer passed to `__init__` was automatically reset. This is not done in the current implementation. """ def __init__( self, policy: BasePolicy, env: gym.Env | BaseVectorEnv, buffer: ReplayBuffer | None = None, exploration_noise: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__() if isinstance(env, gym.Env) and not hasattr(env, "__len__"): warnings.warn("Single environment detected, wrap to DummyVectorEnv.") # Unfortunately, mypy seems to ignore the isinstance in lambda, maybe a bug in mypy self.env = DummyVectorEnv([lambda: env]) else: self.env = env # type: ignore self.env_num = len(self.env) self.exploration_noise = exploration_noise self.buffer = self._assign_buffer(buffer) self.policy = policy self._action_space = self.env.action_space self._pre_collect_obs_RO: np.ndarray | None = None self._pre_collect_info_R: np.ndarray | None = None self._pre_collect_hidden_state_RH: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | Batch | None = None self._is_closed = False self.collect_step, self.collect_episode, self.collect_time = 0, 0, 0.0
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the collector and the environment.""" self.env.close() self._pre_collect_obs_RO = None self._pre_collect_info_R = None self._is_closed = True
@property def is_closed(self) -> bool: """Return True if the collector is closed.""" return self._is_closed def _assign_buffer(self, buffer: ReplayBuffer | None) -> ReplayBuffer: """Check if the buffer matches the constraint.""" if buffer is None: buffer = VectorReplayBuffer(self.env_num, self.env_num) elif isinstance(buffer, ReplayBufferManager): assert buffer.buffer_num >= self.env_num if isinstance(buffer, CachedReplayBuffer): assert buffer.cached_buffer_num >= self.env_num else: # ReplayBuffer or PrioritizedReplayBuffer assert buffer.maxsize > 0 if self.env_num > 1: if isinstance(buffer, ReplayBuffer): buffer_type = "ReplayBuffer" vector_type = "VectorReplayBuffer" if isinstance(buffer, PrioritizedReplayBuffer): buffer_type = "PrioritizedReplayBuffer" vector_type = "PrioritizedVectorReplayBuffer" raise TypeError( f"Cannot use {buffer_type}(size={buffer.maxsize}, ...) to collect " f"{self.env_num} envs,\n\tplease use {vector_type}(total_size=" f"{buffer.maxsize}, buffer_num={self.env_num}, ...) instead.", ) return buffer
[docs] def reset( self, reset_buffer: bool = True, reset_stats: bool = True, gym_reset_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """Reset the environment, statistics, and data needed to start the collection. :param reset_buffer: if true, reset the replay buffer attached to the collector. :param reset_stats: if true, reset the statistics attached to the collector. :param gym_reset_kwargs: extra keyword arguments to pass into the environment's reset function. Defaults to None (extra keyword arguments) """ self.reset_env(gym_reset_kwargs=gym_reset_kwargs) if reset_buffer: self.reset_buffer() if reset_stats: self.reset_stat() self._is_closed = False
[docs] def reset_stat(self) -> None: """Reset the statistic variables.""" self.collect_step, self.collect_episode, self.collect_time = 0, 0, 0.0
[docs] def reset_buffer(self, keep_statistics: bool = False) -> None: """Reset the data buffer.""" self.buffer.reset(keep_statistics=keep_statistics)
[docs] def reset_env( self, gym_reset_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """Reset the environments and the initial obs, info, and hidden state of the collector.""" gym_reset_kwargs = gym_reset_kwargs or {} self._pre_collect_obs_RO, self._pre_collect_info_R = self.env.reset(**gym_reset_kwargs) # TODO: hack, wrap envpool envs such that they don't return a dict if isinstance(self._pre_collect_info_R, dict): # type: ignore[unreachable] # this can happen if the env is an envpool env. Then the thing returned by reset is a dict # with array entries instead of an array of dicts # We use Batch to turn it into an array of dicts self._pre_collect_info_R = _dict_of_arr_to_arr_of_dicts(self._pre_collect_info_R) # type: ignore[unreachable] self._pre_collect_hidden_state_RH = None
def _compute_action_policy_hidden( self, random: bool, ready_env_ids_R: np.ndarray, use_grad: bool, last_obs_RO: np.ndarray, last_info_R: np.ndarray, last_hidden_state_RH: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | Batch | None = None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Batch, np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | Batch | None]: """Returns the action, the normalized action, a "policy" entry, and the hidden state.""" if random: try: act_normalized_RA = np.array( [self._action_space[i].sample() for i in ready_env_ids_R], ) # TODO: test whether envpool env explicitly except TypeError: # envpool's action space is not for per-env act_normalized_RA = np.array([self._action_space.sample() for _ in ready_env_ids_R]) act_RA = self.policy.map_action_inverse(np.array(act_normalized_RA)) policy_R = Batch() hidden_state_RH = None else: info_batch = _HACKY_create_info_batch(last_info_R) obs_batch_R = cast(ObsBatchProtocol, Batch(obs=last_obs_RO, info=info_batch)) with torch.set_grad_enabled(use_grad): act_batch_RA = self.policy( obs_batch_R, last_hidden_state_RH, ) act_RA = to_numpy(act_batch_RA.act) if self.exploration_noise: act_RA = self.policy.exploration_noise(act_RA, obs_batch_R) act_normalized_RA = self.policy.map_action(act_RA) # TODO: cleanup the whole policy in batch thing # todo policy_R can also be none, check policy_R = act_batch_RA.get("policy", Batch()) if not isinstance(policy_R, Batch): raise RuntimeError( f"The policy result should be a {Batch}, but got {type(policy_R)}", ) hidden_state_RH = act_batch_RA.get("state", None) # TODO: do we need the conditional? Would be better to just add hidden_state which could be None if hidden_state_RH is not None: policy_R.hidden_state = ( hidden_state_RH # save state into buffer through policy attr ) return act_RA, act_normalized_RA, policy_R, hidden_state_RH # TODO: reduce complexity, remove the noqa
[docs] def collect( self, n_step: int | None = None, n_episode: int | None = None, random: bool = False, render: float | None = None, no_grad: bool = True, reset_before_collect: bool = False, gym_reset_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> CollectStats: """Collect a specified number of steps or episodes. To ensure an unbiased sampling result with the n_episode option, this function will first collect ``n_episode - env_num`` episodes, then for the last ``env_num`` episodes, they will be collected evenly from each env. :param n_step: how many steps you want to collect. :param n_episode: how many episodes you want to collect. :param random: whether to use random policy for collecting data. :param render: the sleep time between rendering consecutive frames. :param no_grad: whether to retain gradient in policy.forward(). :param reset_before_collect: whether to reset the environment before collecting data. (The collector needs the initial obs and info to function properly.) :param gym_reset_kwargs: extra keyword arguments to pass into the environment's reset function. Only used if reset_before_collect is True. .. note:: One and only one collection number specification is permitted, either ``n_step`` or ``n_episode``. :return: The collected stats """ # NAMING CONVENTION (mostly suffixes): # episode - An episode means a rollout until done (terminated or truncated). After an episode is completed, # the corresponding env is either reset or removed from the ready envs. # R - number ready env ids. Note that this might change when envs get idle. # This can only happen in n_episode case, see explanation in the corresponding block. # For n_step, we always use all envs to collect the data, while for n_episode, # R will be at most n_episode at the beginning, but can decrease during the collection. # O - dimension(s) of observations # A - dimension(s) of actions # H - dimension(s) of hidden state # D - number of envs that reached done in the current collect iteration. Only relevant in n_episode case. # S - number of surplus envs, i.e. envs that are ready but won't be used in the next iteration. # Only used in n_episode case. Then, R becomes R-S. use_grad = not no_grad gym_reset_kwargs = gym_reset_kwargs or {} # Input validation assert not self.env.is_async, "Please use AsyncCollector if using async venv." if n_step is not None: assert n_episode is None, ( f"Only one of n_step or n_episode is allowed in Collector." f"collect, got {n_step=}, {n_episode=}." ) assert n_step > 0 if n_step % self.env_num != 0: warnings.warn( f"{n_step=} is not a multiple of ({self.env_num=}), " "which may cause extra transitions being collected into the buffer.", ) ready_env_ids_R = np.arange(self.env_num) elif n_episode is not None: assert n_episode > 0 if self.env_num > n_episode: warnings.warn( f"{n_episode=} should be larger than {self.env_num=} to " f"collect at least one trajectory in each environment.", ) ready_env_ids_R = np.arange(min(self.env_num, n_episode)) else: raise TypeError( "Please specify at least one (either n_step or n_episode) " "in AsyncCollector.collect().", ) start_time = time.time() if reset_before_collect: self.reset(reset_buffer=False, gym_reset_kwargs=gym_reset_kwargs) if self._pre_collect_obs_RO is None or self._pre_collect_info_R is None: raise ValueError( "Initial obs and info should not be None. " "Either reset the collector (using reset or reset_env) or pass reset_before_collect=True to collect.", ) # get the first obs to be the current obs in the n_step case as # episodes as a new call to collect does not restart trajectories # (which we also really don't want) step_count = 0 num_collected_episodes = 0 episode_returns: list[float] = [] episode_lens: list[int] = [] episode_start_indices: list[int] = [] # in case we select fewer episodes than envs, we run only some of them last_obs_RO = _nullable_slice(self._pre_collect_obs_RO, ready_env_ids_R) last_info_R = _nullable_slice(self._pre_collect_info_R, ready_env_ids_R) last_hidden_state_RH = _nullable_slice( self._pre_collect_hidden_state_RH, ready_env_ids_R, ) while True: # todo check if we need this when using cur_rollout_batch # if len(cur_rollout_batch) != len(ready_env_ids): # raise RuntimeError( # f"The length of the collected_rollout_batch {len(cur_rollout_batch)}) is not equal to the length of ready_env_ids" # f"{len(ready_env_ids)}. This should not happen and could be a bug!", # ) # restore the state: if the last state is None, it won't store # get the next action ( act_RA, act_normalized_RA, policy_R, hidden_state_RH, ) = self._compute_action_policy_hidden( random=random, ready_env_ids_R=ready_env_ids_R, use_grad=use_grad, last_obs_RO=last_obs_RO, last_info_R=last_info_R, last_hidden_state_RH=last_hidden_state_RH, ) obs_next_RO, rew_R, terminated_R, truncated_R, info_R = self.env.step( act_normalized_RA, ready_env_ids_R, ) if isinstance(info_R, dict): # type: ignore[unreachable] # This can happen if the env is an envpool env. Then the info returned by step is a dict info_R = _dict_of_arr_to_arr_of_dicts(info_R) # type: ignore[unreachable] done_R = np.logical_or(terminated_R, truncated_R) current_iteration_batch = cast( RolloutBatchProtocol, Batch( obs=last_obs_RO, act=act_RA, policy=policy_R, obs_next=obs_next_RO, rew=rew_R, terminated=terminated_R, truncated=truncated_R, done=done_R, info=info_R, ), ) # TODO: only makes sense if render_mode is human. # Also, doubtful whether it makes sense at all for true vectorized envs if render: self.env.render() if not np.isclose(render, 0): time.sleep(render) # add data into the buffer ptr_R, ep_rew_R, ep_len_R, ep_idx_R = self.buffer.add( current_iteration_batch, buffer_ids=ready_env_ids_R, ) # collect statistics num_episodes_done_this_iter = np.sum(done_R) num_collected_episodes += num_episodes_done_this_iter step_count += len(ready_env_ids_R) # preparing for the next iteration # obs_next, info and hidden_state will be modified inplace in the code below, so we copy to not affect the data in the buffer last_obs_RO = copy(obs_next_RO) last_info_R = copy(info_R) last_hidden_state_RH = copy(hidden_state_RH) # Preparing last_obs_RO, last_info_R, last_hidden_state_RH for the next while-loop iteration # Resetting envs that reached done, or removing some of them from the collection if needed (see below) if num_episodes_done_this_iter > 0: # TODO: adjust the whole index story, don't use np.where, just slice with boolean arrays # D - number of envs that reached done in the rollout above env_ind_local_D = np.where(done_R)[0] env_ind_global_D = ready_env_ids_R[env_ind_local_D] episode_lens.extend(ep_len_R[env_ind_local_D]) episode_returns.extend(ep_rew_R[env_ind_local_D]) episode_start_indices.extend(ep_idx_R[env_ind_local_D]) # now we copy obs_next to obs, but since there might be # finished episodes, we have to reset finished envs first. obs_reset_DO, info_reset_D = self.env.reset( env_id=env_ind_global_D, **gym_reset_kwargs, ) # Set the hidden state to zero or None for the envs that reached done # TODO: does it have to be so complicated? We should have a single clear type for hidden_state instead of # this complex logic self._reset_hidden_state_based_on_type(env_ind_local_D, last_hidden_state_RH) # preparing for the next iteration last_obs_RO[env_ind_local_D] = obs_reset_DO last_info_R[env_ind_local_D] = info_reset_D # Handling the case when we have more ready envs than desired and are not done yet # # This can only happen if we are collecting a fixed number of episodes # If we have more ready envs than there are remaining episodes to collect, # we will remove some of them for the next rollout # One effect of this is the following: only envs that have completed an episode # in the last step can ever be removed from the ready envs. # Thus, this guarantees that each env will contribute at least one episode to the # collected data (the buffer). This effect was previous called "avoiding bias in selecting environments" # However, it is not at all clear whether this is actually useful or necessary. # Additional naming convention: # S - number of surplus envs # TODO: can the whole block be removed? If we have too many episodes, we could just strip the last ones. # Changing R to R-S highly increases the complexity of the code. if n_episode: remaining_episodes_to_collect = n_episode - num_collected_episodes surplus_env_num = len(ready_env_ids_R) - remaining_episodes_to_collect if surplus_env_num > 0: # R becomes R-S here, preparing for the next iteration in while loop # Everything that was of length R needs to be filtered and become of length R-S. # Note that this won't be the last iteration, as one iteration equals one # step and we still need to collect the remaining episodes to reach the breaking condition. # creating the mask env_to_be_ignored_ind_local_S = env_ind_local_D[:surplus_env_num] env_should_remain_R = np.ones_like(ready_env_ids_R, dtype=bool) env_should_remain_R[env_to_be_ignored_ind_local_S] = False # stripping the "idle" indices, shortening the relevant quantities from R to R-S ready_env_ids_R = ready_env_ids_R[env_should_remain_R] last_obs_RO = last_obs_RO[env_should_remain_R] last_info_R = last_info_R[env_should_remain_R] if hidden_state_RH is not None: last_hidden_state_RH = last_hidden_state_RH[env_should_remain_R] # type: ignore[index] if (n_step and step_count >= n_step) or ( n_episode and num_collected_episodes >= n_episode ): break # generate statistics self.collect_step += step_count self.collect_episode += num_collected_episodes collect_time = max(time.time() - start_time, 1e-9) self.collect_time += collect_time if n_step: # persist for future collect iterations self._pre_collect_obs_RO = last_obs_RO self._pre_collect_info_R = last_info_R self._pre_collect_hidden_state_RH = last_hidden_state_RH elif n_episode: # reset envs and the _pre_collect fields self.reset_env(gym_reset_kwargs) # todo still necessary? return CollectStats.with_autogenerated_stats( returns=np.array(episode_returns), lens=np.array(episode_lens), n_collected_episodes=num_collected_episodes, n_collected_steps=step_count, collect_time=collect_time, collect_speed=step_count / collect_time, )
def _reset_hidden_state_based_on_type( self, env_ind_local_D: np.ndarray, last_hidden_state_RH: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | Batch | None, ) -> None: if isinstance(last_hidden_state_RH, torch.Tensor): last_hidden_state_RH[env_ind_local_D].zero_() # type: ignore[index] elif isinstance(last_hidden_state_RH, np.ndarray): last_hidden_state_RH[env_ind_local_D] = ( None if last_hidden_state_RH.dtype == object else 0 ) elif isinstance(last_hidden_state_RH, Batch): last_hidden_state_RH.empty_(env_ind_local_D)
# todo is this inplace magic and just working?
[docs] class AsyncCollector(Collector): """Async Collector handles async vector environment. The arguments are exactly the same as :class:``, please refer to :class:`` for more detailed explanation. """ def __init__( self, policy: BasePolicy, env: BaseVectorEnv, buffer: ReplayBuffer | None = None, exploration_noise: bool = False, ) -> None: # assert env.is_async warnings.warn("Using async setting may collect extra transitions into buffer.") super().__init__( policy, env, buffer, exploration_noise, ) # E denotes the number of parallel environments: self.env_num # At init, E=R but during collection R <= E # Keep in sync with reset! self._ready_env_ids_R: np.ndarray = np.arange(self.env_num) self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO: np.ndarray | None = copy(self._pre_collect_obs_RO) self._current_info_in_all_envs_E: np.ndarray | None = copy(self._pre_collect_info_R) self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | Batch | None = copy( self._pre_collect_hidden_state_RH, ) self._current_action_in_all_envs_EA: np.ndarray = np.empty(self.env_num) self._current_policy_in_all_envs_E: Batch | None = None
[docs] def reset( self, reset_buffer: bool = True, reset_stats: bool = True, gym_reset_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """Reset the environment, statistics, and data needed to start the collection. :param reset_buffer: if true, reset the replay buffer attached to the collector. :param reset_stats: if true, reset the statistics attached to the collector. :param gym_reset_kwargs: extra keyword arguments to pass into the environment's reset function. Defaults to None (extra keyword arguments) """ # This sets the _pre_collect attrs super().reset( reset_buffer=reset_buffer, reset_stats=reset_stats, gym_reset_kwargs=gym_reset_kwargs, ) # Keep in sync with init! self._ready_env_ids_R = np.arange(self.env_num) # E denotes the number of parallel environments self.env_num self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO = copy(self._pre_collect_obs_RO) self._current_info_in_all_envs_E = copy(self._pre_collect_info_R) self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH = copy(self._pre_collect_hidden_state_RH) self._current_action_in_all_envs_EA = np.empty(self.env_num) self._current_policy_in_all_envs_E = None
[docs] def collect( self, n_step: int | None = None, n_episode: int | None = None, random: bool = False, render: float | None = None, no_grad: bool = True, reset_before_collect: bool = False, gym_reset_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> CollectStats: """Collect a specified number of steps or episodes with async env setting. This function does not collect an exact number of transitions specified by n_step or n_episode. Instead, to support the asynchronous setting, it may collect more transitions than requested by n_step or n_episode and save them into the buffer. :param n_step: how many steps you want to collect. :param n_episode: how many episodes you want to collect. :param random: whether to use random policy_R for collecting data. Default to False. :param render: the sleep time between rendering consecutive frames. Default to None (no rendering). :param no_grad: whether to retain gradient in policy_R.forward(). Default to True (no gradient retaining). :param reset_before_collect: whether to reset the environment before collecting data. It has only an effect if n_episode is not None, i.e. if one wants to collect a fixed number of episodes. (The collector needs the initial obs and info to function properly.) :param gym_reset_kwargs: extra keyword arguments to pass into the environment's reset function. Defaults to None (extra keyword arguments) .. note:: One and only one collection number specification is permitted, either ``n_step`` or ``n_episode``. :return: A dataclass object """ use_grad = not no_grad gym_reset_kwargs = gym_reset_kwargs or {} # collect at least n_step or n_episode if n_step is not None: assert n_episode is None, ( "Only one of n_step or n_episode is allowed in Collector." f"collect, got n_step={n_step}, n_episode={n_episode}." ) assert n_step > 0 elif n_episode is not None: assert n_episode > 0 else: raise TypeError( "Please specify at least one (either n_step or n_episode) " "in AsyncCollector.collect().", ) if reset_before_collect: # first we need to step all envs to be able to interact with them if self.env.waiting_id: self.env.step(None, id=self.env.waiting_id) self.reset(reset_buffer=False, gym_reset_kwargs=gym_reset_kwargs) start_time = time.time() step_count = 0 num_collected_episodes = 0 episode_returns: list[float] = [] episode_lens: list[int] = [] episode_start_indices: list[int] = [] ready_env_ids_R = self._ready_env_ids_R # last_obs_RO= self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO[ready_env_ids_R] # type: ignore[index] # last_info_R = self._current_info_in_all_envs_E[ready_env_ids_R] # type: ignore[index] # last_hidden_state_RH = self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH[ready_env_ids_R] # type: ignore[index] # last_obs_RO = self._pre_collect_obs_RO # last_info_R = self._pre_collect_info_R # last_hidden_state_RH = self._pre_collect_hidden_state_RH if self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO is None or self._current_info_in_all_envs_E is None: raise RuntimeError( "Current obs or info array is None, did you call reset or pass reset_at_collect=True?", ) last_obs_RO = self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO[ready_env_ids_R] last_info_R = self._current_info_in_all_envs_E[ready_env_ids_R] last_hidden_state_RH = _nullable_slice( self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH, ready_env_ids_R, ) # Each iteration of the AsyncCollector is only stepping a subset of the # envs. The last observation/ hidden state of the ones not included in # the current iteration has to be retained. while True: # todo do we need this? # todo extend to all current attributes but some could be None at init if self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO is None: raise RuntimeError( "Current obs is None, did you call reset or pass reset_at_collect=True?", ) if ( not len(self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO) == len(self._current_action_in_all_envs_EA) == self.env_num ): # major difference raise RuntimeError( f"{len(self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO)=} and" f"{len(self._current_action_in_all_envs_EA)=} have to equal" f" {self.env_num=} as it tracks the current transition" f"in all envs", ) # get the next action ( act_RA, act_normalized_RA, policy_R, hidden_state_RH, ) = self._compute_action_policy_hidden( random=random, ready_env_ids_R=ready_env_ids_R, use_grad=use_grad, last_obs_RO=last_obs_RO, last_info_R=last_info_R, last_hidden_state_RH=last_hidden_state_RH, ) # save act_RA/policy_R/ hidden_state_RH before env.step self._current_action_in_all_envs_EA[ready_env_ids_R] = act_RA if self._current_policy_in_all_envs_E: self._current_policy_in_all_envs_E[ready_env_ids_R] = policy_R else: self._current_policy_in_all_envs_E = policy_R # first iteration if hidden_state_RH is not None: if self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH is not None: # Need to cast since if it's a Tensor, the assignment might in fact fail if hidden_state_RH is not # a tensor as well. This is hard to express with proper typing, even using @overload, so we cheat # and hope that if one of the two is a tensor, the other one is as well. self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH = cast( np.ndarray | Batch, self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH, ) self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH[ready_env_ids_R] = hidden_state_RH else: self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH = hidden_state_RH # step in env obs_next_RO, rew_R, terminated_R, truncated_R, info_R = self.env.step( act_normalized_RA, ready_env_ids_R, ) done_R = np.logical_or(terminated_R, truncated_R) # Not all environments of the AsyncCollector might have performed a step in this iteration. # Change batch_of_envs_with_step_in_this_iteration here to reflect that ready_env_ids_R has changed. # This means especially that R is potentially changing every iteration try: ready_env_ids_R = cast(np.ndarray, info_R["env_id"]) # TODO: don't use bare Exception! except Exception: ready_env_ids_R = np.array([i["env_id"] for i in info_R]) current_iteration_batch = cast( RolloutBatchProtocol, Batch( obs=self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO[ready_env_ids_R], act=self._current_action_in_all_envs_EA[ready_env_ids_R], policy=self._current_policy_in_all_envs_E[ready_env_ids_R], obs_next=obs_next_RO, rew=rew_R, terminated=terminated_R, truncated=truncated_R, done=done_R, info=info_R, ), ) if render: self.env.render() if render > 0 and not np.isclose(render, 0): time.sleep(render) # add data into the buffer ptr_R, ep_rew_R, ep_len_R, ep_idx_R = self.buffer.add( current_iteration_batch, buffer_ids=ready_env_ids_R, ) # collect statistics num_episodes_done_this_iter = np.sum(done_R) step_count += len(ready_env_ids_R) num_collected_episodes += num_episodes_done_this_iter # preparing for the next iteration # todo do we need the copy stuff (tests pass also without) # todo seem we can get rid of this last_sth stuff altogether last_obs_RO = copy(obs_next_RO) last_info_R = copy(info_R) last_hidden_state_RH = copy(self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH[ready_env_ids_R]) # type: ignore[index] if num_episodes_done_this_iter: env_ind_local_D = np.where(done_R)[0] env_ind_global_D = ready_env_ids_R[env_ind_local_D] episode_lens.extend(ep_len_R[env_ind_local_D]) episode_returns.extend(ep_rew_R[env_ind_local_D]) episode_start_indices.extend(ep_idx_R[env_ind_local_D]) # now we copy obs_next_RO to obs, but since there might be # finished episodes, we have to reset finished envs first. obs_reset_DO, info_reset_D = self.env.reset( env_id=env_ind_global_D, **gym_reset_kwargs, ) last_obs_RO[env_ind_local_D] = obs_reset_DO last_info_R[env_ind_local_D] = info_reset_D self._reset_hidden_state_based_on_type(env_ind_local_D, last_hidden_state_RH) # update based on the current transition in all envs self._current_obs_in_all_envs_EO[ready_env_ids_R] = last_obs_RO # this is a list, so loop over for idx, ready_env_id in enumerate(ready_env_ids_R): self._current_info_in_all_envs_E[ready_env_id] = last_info_R[idx] if self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH is not None: # Need to cast since if it's a Tensor, the assignment might in fact fail if hidden_state_RH is not # a tensor as well. This is hard to express with proper typing, even using @overload, so we cheat # and hope that if one of the two is a tensor, the other one is as well. self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH = cast( np.ndarray | Batch, self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH, ) self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH[ready_env_ids_R] = last_hidden_state_RH else: self._current_hidden_state_in_all_envs_EH = last_hidden_state_RH if (n_step and step_count >= n_step) or ( n_episode and num_collected_episodes >= n_episode ): break # generate statistics self.collect_step += step_count self.collect_episode += num_collected_episodes collect_time = max(time.time() - start_time, 1e-9) self.collect_time += collect_time # persist for future collect iterations self._ready_env_ids_R = ready_env_ids_R return CollectStats.with_autogenerated_stats( returns=np.array(episode_returns), lens=np.array(episode_lens), n_collected_episodes=num_collected_episodes, n_collected_steps=step_count, collect_time=collect_time, collect_speed=step_count / collect_time, )